Very funny jokes, over which no laughs No German

Somali immigrants arrived in Berlin. He stops the first person he sees and says:
"Thank you, sir. Germany has allowed me to live in this country, he gave me shelter, money for food, free medical care, free education and no taxes! »
Passer answers:
"You are mistaken, I am an Afghan.»
The man goes on and encounters another passer-by:
"Thank you for being such a beautiful country, Germany! and so on. »
The man says:
"I am not a German, I am an Iraqi!»
The newcomer goes on to the next person, he shakes his hand and says:
"Thank you for the excellent Germany!»
The man raises his hand and says:
"I'm from Pakistan, I'm not from Germany!»
He finally sees - is a sweet lady. Asks:
"You are a German?" She says, "No, I am from India"
Puzzled, he asked her: "Where are the Germans?»
Hindu checks his watch and says: "So they are now working!»
: Storyfo.ru
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He called this kid freaks. A Mom's putting it on the spot!
20 shocking fact, after reading that you will feel old