Speel branch.
One day, the king presented falcon chicks. Royal huntsman nourished and brought up the bird, but he could not learn how to fly. Falcon refused to leave the branch of a tree, where he planted when he was still a fledgling. King of the palace windows often watched his huntsman trained hunting birds: eagles, vultures, falcons other, but this has always continued to sit on his branch.
Stalker complained to the king that can not do anything with the falcon that writing even have to carry him to a tree and raise a branch. The king sent messengers to ask for help and woke up the next morning, he saw flying over gardens falcon. - Bring me the author of this miracle! - Ordered the king. They brought unto him a simple peasant. - Tell me how you made it fly? Are you a magician? - I asked the king. - The farmer smiled happily because he could please his king: - It was not so difficult, Your Majesty! I just cut down the branch on which sit your falcon, and then he realized that he had wings and flew. And among the people.
Some of us sit on the branches because they simply do not know that they have wings. Some life events break the branch reliability and habits, and then they will know that they can fly. Some have everything, and they do not want to fly, the risk of losing the place. Maybe even needed someone to cut down this branch, so we tried to fly at least once in your life ?! Sometimes unexpected events that seem very bad at the beginning, turn the opportunity to fly ...