Star of the soul to merge with the power of creation.

Brief description: The work on the intentions specified. Flows Diamond Light bring new developments to the planet in its rays, a new situation for the passage of the lessons man.
A person under the influence of intense diamond light, adopt the rules of the game and lets a these flows. Diamond Light enters the field Man perfects its components, "changing the structure and quality of material».
The man begins to perceive themselves and the world around him differently.
Man sees himself already part of the world, knowing that his every movement wave reverberates around the space like ripples from a stone thrown.
Man begins to understand why he was there and what are the changes.
Solar Brotherhood fills its hot plasma flows space animates all its parts, assembling them in a single sphere of Light. Everyone is a teacher and an example for the environment. We do not see it, do not know and are not aware of, but there is always someone who follows us, who draws our light, for whom we are a kind of locomotive - we are the actions paving the way for those who are still weak spiritually for actions, but already has a conscious intention to act.
New Earth continues to strengthen its energy, going to build the Temple of Light.
Co-creation: neon, DAERANA
Explanation with Thin Plan:
TEACHER Noosphere Solar Brotherhood
Construction of the space of the New Earth quietly going on in the minds of many people on the planet. You can catch as catch subtle wave radar, the new imperative of humankind. People want to live. People, after all these centuries, have realized the value of life. They want all my heart - live! This is a victory, dear! This is a victory!
We tell you about the importance of the right choice. We speak now through multiple channels and sources of information about the need to stay informed "here", the importance of a joyful and sincerely felt by the time "now».
Energize its open, active creative Heart of your emotional foundation, you are laying the foundation events manifested. You say it's hard to feel the joy of looking at the misfortunes of another. Dear, try the charity, hope and faith in what is produced for the benefit of all. When you saturate the field of another person these energies, believe, miracles happen.
This is not mere emotion, but your Event-management tools to date. In the future, when the level of conscious intention to act in the common good will be available for everyone on earth, a set of tools to increase significantly. As long as you have that has the power to both harm and good. As long as you used unconsciously (and more devoted to consciously) the power of thought and emotion to their own detriment, when formed negative images in your mind concerning what whatsoever. Now it is time to undertake "cleaning" that you "nasozdavali." Use your mind as an instrument of good. You think good. Remember that, you think good. Welcome - this openness and acceptance, it is solar energy, eternal giving heat. You become this beam of light. You fill my thoughts light and light fills is all that comes into contact with you, your community, your space. You start to love everything that surrounds you, much to the common good ... Thus begins your path a man of light in the New Earth.
Civilization Hamil
(Density 11)
We are the children of the Light, we have representatives of civilization Hamil we have representatives of planets distant cosmic path that is in an interdimensional world, and covers a great space all times amicable You civilizations. We have come to planet Earth that would assist to the beautiful way that the majority of elected representatives of the world of humankind. We understand your confusion than we can help you, beautiful people, first of all become as true as you really are. In our power to spend some energy in the space of your Earth for what would be by taking powers to bring more light to the other side of the galaxy in your belt, we ask for assistance in this regard in terms of the Earth and everyone on earth.
We express our concern about what the caller, which is now happening on your planet, processes, though secretly, but have their indignation and nature of this fluctuation occurs constantly thrill zone of the planet, it is gaining its momentum, then it subsides. As a result of these differences is suffering a certain amount of your population, for the reason that the basis of fluctuations put the amplitude of the excitement inside your body, and this also applies to the circulatory and lymphatic systems, and therefore, what feels the earth, the same person experiences, and if the planet able to carry out some self-harmonize its processes, the person rarely knows what happened to him at all actually happens.
For this we are, that would clarify the situation for what would understand for themselves, for civilization, the growth of human consciousness and understand why there is light, in order that would harmonize the space and humanity or for that would generate more light. A person can not be a constant contributor to the world, it also has the properties of self-renewal, but it may take many, many years before the planet to recover, many generations will be replaced by some other, and come to the aid of a new humanity, which will be in force to understand the reasons for its finding, and in the presence of your planet. Today we are going to sign with you an alliance of friendly forces in order to help and that man, and worthy of the world enter into a new time and a new position in its environment.
With respect to all earthlings.
Civilization Hamil, we are the children of the Divine Light, we are your friends, associates and the founders of your nationality.
Until next time, dear friends.
The channel is provided: the representatives of blue blue flame.
We have representatives from Blue blue flame, we are your reliable support we have your constant assistants and protectors.
Imagine for a moment that you are standing by the river, clean water sways in the reflections of blue sky, floating white clouds air, life goes on his succession, blowing affectionate, gentle wind, produces a variety of sounds of nature, inhabiting her beauty.
We are here with you, we are now uniquely decide important questions of your life. Oh man, listen to this moment, find a marvelous string of life, become this vechnobyuschim source of life, which only says how happy he is that he lives in the world.
Dear friends, we believe that your strength will help you to see and touch the beauty of your home, it is beautiful, your father's house, it blooms all colors when you think fondly of him, he gives you himself, he triumphs in these moments, When you are happy themselves and what surrounds you. Constantly depressing thoughts suggest you to heavy reflections that quenched your dawn, only awakened souls. We understand your anguish and the pain of separation from his father's house, we understand you, but all the same, just because you feel about your life, and this is a great miracle, as you ignore all its beauty, so it is impossible, dear friends.
You can not kill yourself alive, you can not be here, but living in another, imaginary world, where everything is. Bring yourself here, in your house, all you need from this beautiful dream, where you relax, where do you find inspiration, where you need to negligibly small for your happiness. Think for yourself this game, take out all that you need for life, joy and happiness, and prosperity, and everything, everything that you think you need to have in your life in abundance and prosperity.
Mother Nature will hear your desires, she responds, she will be glad to your participation in your life, it will be great in this its manifestation, she generously bestow on him who is ready to turn to her and accept her help. Supervised by only one single desire to help everyone as himself alone, to help everyone to be as happy as you are, help all forces and all their successful actions, multiply love and generosity in their everyday promises, and wake up your soul, wake up fresh new day. Immerse yourself in this picture of the world, find themselves in it, get those tracks that you left on your memory, make it in your life and let you open all the way available today.
We have guides higher cosmic energy, we are messengers of God on Earth.
We are the representatives of Blue Blue Fire.