Once again, I welcome you, our young friends, are constantly updating their bodies with the help of co-expanding knowledge and improving the soul and spirit. Co-changing knowledge of man, and it varies according to the physical body and the subtle body, which in unison with changes taking place inside and outside of it, take on a new structure and other properties of light. There is a powerful shifts in the energies of the space surrounding a person, changing the entire Cosmos is changing planet and life on it. And the human body does not remain aloof from the process, because it is associated with all this space. It communicates continuously with the divine energies of space, it generates within itself and receives various kinds of energy from outside. He is involved in all energy-flows, swirling around and within him. A man and a generator - the emitter and receiver of all kinds of energy, which make up the whole world. It does not remain intact not involved in this process and his physical body having a margin of safety for a period of 120 years.
Changing self-replicating and self-healing of the human body, are activated and rebuilt on a different type of activity and the two strands of DNA - DNA material and spiritual DNA. Nothing stands still, everything is evolving and improving, even in spite of the fact that the man himself, though taking part in these processes, but does not realize it. But, if a person knowingly takes place around and inside its processes if it receives knowledge about the changes and works with his Soul and Spirit consciously, then the processes that will take place in his material body - the physical body will pass more rapidly and have a direction vector on the creation and rejuvenation, not the aging and death as it happened earlier.
So what and how you can help yourself and your body in this transition time period, Quantum? How to make the stop emerging diseases of various kinds? A man accustomed to rather its Co-Knowledge and intelligence are setting that the energy needed for the functioning of the body supposedly goes to him only from the outside, from their daily food consumption. But this is not the case, the basic energy for its life comes from both inside and outside of the space surrounding it and the Supreme Divine Force. And only a small part - of the food consumed. But it was in the old old days. And now more and more appears among you people, especially young people, who refuse eating outside and start to eat the so-called prana - energy, look younger, and at the same time increasing its power. "What is this phenomenon? - you ask. And if we can, regardless of age and health, too, go to pranic nourishment and begin to look younger? "And in fact, occur such times and such energy-change around you Space itself you and your co-knowledge that you will be able to give from an external power source in the form of animal and even plant foods, which, as well as people feed your animals. And that you will pass on a higher stage of development, turning from the human animal in the man-God.
What is needed? First was the idea of God, and then there were these manifestations of the material worlds. Therefore, my dear friends, let's first get the appropriate knowledge - information - thoughts about the process, and then pre-create them to life. As you know, my good, all the world order of the spiritual worlds is of the harmony and order of numbers and geometric structures. There is a code of Eternity and a variety of other codes, as well as the individual codes of Eternity each person, allowing him to acquire immortality. One of our Initiates Pythagoras and his students used these codes to know many of them, had them and knew how to use them to learn not only the structure of the Universe, but also to open a divine abilities and talents. In His revelations and interpretations thereof, the Creator showed us a combination of numbers: 2-9-9-9, and said that it is in this combination displayed Eternity Code. What do these numbers mean, you do not know yet, because to know the depth of Eternity to be in the future. You only need to know that any information easily and without distortion figures transmitted. You have to calculate your own personal code and Eternity, which lies in the date of your symptoms. Each organ of your whole organism also has a code of its development and of the divine matrix, which is embedded in it originally.
Eternal life, and there is no end, but only the beginning of your soul and your spirit, and all what you dreamed and continue to dream, everything is fulfilled, if you have the true knowledge, true love and harmony of oneness with all Divine Space, an integral part of which it is a person residing in the development and improvement.
I do not say goodbye to you, my dear friends, we will continue to cover the subject of healing and rejuvenation for the accumulation of true knowledge and understanding are constantly taking place around you global process of transition to the spiritual world and your direct participation, as part of the Whole for further reunification with Him.
Since you have been eternally young, Ascended Masters of Light Saint-Germain.
Star of the soul to merge with the power of creation.
Vegetable who treats diabetes, psoriasis, osteochondrosis, and not only!