20 wise and ironic facts about our lives from Constantine Knightley

Konstantin Habensky crush our souls. After all, he is not only one of the best Russian actors of our time, but also surprisingly good man, blagotvoritel.Habensky is what it is, and not for nothing, his eyes filled with wisdom: he had to go through a lot to understand and accept. Website publishes statements from the actor interviews to various publications, which now and then comes through self-irony.
You can not themselves or another to forgive the lack of spark inside. I - different. I can be good and bad, good and evil, fearless and terrible coward. I never beat the house dishes - it is then necessary to remove. I would like to forward and upward. A proposes, as a rule, to run on the spot. life - this is the way. Someone is the way to the bakery and back, someone - a world tour. In my life there are not many people with whom I spoke as a child. At some moment to stop and figure out what it is you're doing, whether you need it and in what direction to go next. To love, to be loved - both states have great significance for me. To be loved only when something bothers, and so to love, comes a limit. You can not give up either one or the other. Both - the most important components of our lives. Let in some periods they do not match, catching up with each other, overtaking, changing places. Sense of humor in a woman is more important than the ability to cook. Some people do not have enough of a woman, and he switched on the fifth, tenth. While others do not have enough life to love one and only - And what is important for a man?
- Against women. From his first fee I bought a car, and the second - right. Friendship - is mutual, aid, the experience of a loved one. So it can not be divided by gender friendships. It is a holistic concept that does not depend on gender. I think the most important thing - to keep a note of deference to the good classics. Only then can we do something interesting. Movie - it is the same work as theater, only brings more money. My favorite role - one that does not cease to be surprised that you are afraid, breaks into it, you know, in the study who do not stop. We have defined our company my role as a "comic old woman." It also includes a neurotic comedian, and a romantic hero, and a dramatic and tragicomic, and film and theater actor, and just a good man. Stellar disease feels mentally and physically. It happens at all. If someone says that he did not have a stellar illness, he does not believe: he is cunning. I was sick for a week. Then there were, of course, some residual effects. Thank God that with me friends who periodically reminded where we come from and where we all come. We are working in order to feel free, at least on the banknotes. I have to "Oscar" as to America.
via www.adme.ru/tvorchestvo-kino/20-citat-konstantina-habenskogo-polnyh-mudrosti-i-samoironii-1148860/
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