High-pitched quotes by Konstantin Khabensky, which hit the goal: read and remember
The Life of Konstantin Khabensky Interesting for his loyal fans, and people who are completely far from art. After all, the actor not only acts in films, but also leads an active social activity. You want to watch him, his actions cause respect, and wise thoughts prompt your own thoughts. Today's edition. "Site" I will share with you the simple rules of life of Konstantin Khabensky. I am sure that some of them will respond in your heart.
In 2007, the life of Konstantin Khabensky turned upside down. The day he first became a father, he learned that his wife was terminally ill. Neither money, nor chemotherapy, nor the best doctors and clinics saved Anastasia from the inevitable end.
The departure of his beloved wife hit Constantine hard. He grieved the loss of his wife, but did not abandon the case started during the life of Anastasia. Khabensky created a charitable foundation that helps sick children. He still sends most of his money there.
Grief changed Khabensky’s attitude to life. For example, he understood what it was like to be in a really hopeless position. The incident opened Constantine’s eyes to many things. “As long as you’re alive, you’ve got a million options and exits,” he says.
A good and fair artist does not like empty conversations of eloquent people. More important are the actions they are willing to do for a good purpose. In order to find the true cause of any action or inaction, one must get inside oneself. All excuses are always on the outside.
Wise quotes by Konstantin Khabensky “I want to go forward and up.” And they offer, as a rule, to run on the spot, says the active artist. Over the years of his career, he managed to star in a huge number of plays, films and TV series. However, Khabensky is not used to idling, so he never gives his ambition to stand still.
The actor speaks beautifully about life itself: “Life is the way.” For some it is the way to the bakery and back, for some it is a round-the-world trip.” Agree, it really is. Each of us develops according to our abilities and desires. Someone has a stable job in the office. And someone is ready again and again to agree to all sorts of life adventures.
In addition, Khabensky believes that people underestimate the importance of the mistakes they make. He believes that is where our strength lies. The more we make mistakes, the more conclusions we can draw in the end.
Constantine is convinced that each of us needs to deal with the doubt that lives inside us: “Because of doubt, we lose what we could have gained, but not even tried.”
Unusually and reverently Khabensky speaks of love for loved ones. For example, he believes that her sense of humor is more important in a beloved woman than the ability to cook. And truly appreciate those who can see in you 3 things: “sadness behind a smile, love behind anger, and the reason for your silence.”
None of us know exactly how long we will live. Khabensky is sure that we cannot influence the length of life. But we can change its width and depth. Only you know how to do that.
In fact, the actor always advises to rely only on yourself: Someday you will understand that many of the formulas and aphorisms that you have caught in the world around you are empty, albeit beautiful, sets of words - nothing more. Only the truths that you have reached are important.” Do you agree with that?
What thoughts of Konstantin Khabensky were close to you?
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In 2007, the life of Konstantin Khabensky turned upside down. The day he first became a father, he learned that his wife was terminally ill. Neither money, nor chemotherapy, nor the best doctors and clinics saved Anastasia from the inevitable end.
The departure of his beloved wife hit Constantine hard. He grieved the loss of his wife, but did not abandon the case started during the life of Anastasia. Khabensky created a charitable foundation that helps sick children. He still sends most of his money there.
Grief changed Khabensky’s attitude to life. For example, he understood what it was like to be in a really hopeless position. The incident opened Constantine’s eyes to many things. “As long as you’re alive, you’ve got a million options and exits,” he says.
A good and fair artist does not like empty conversations of eloquent people. More important are the actions they are willing to do for a good purpose. In order to find the true cause of any action or inaction, one must get inside oneself. All excuses are always on the outside.
Wise quotes by Konstantin Khabensky “I want to go forward and up.” And they offer, as a rule, to run on the spot, says the active artist. Over the years of his career, he managed to star in a huge number of plays, films and TV series. However, Khabensky is not used to idling, so he never gives his ambition to stand still.
The actor speaks beautifully about life itself: “Life is the way.” For some it is the way to the bakery and back, for some it is a round-the-world trip.” Agree, it really is. Each of us develops according to our abilities and desires. Someone has a stable job in the office. And someone is ready again and again to agree to all sorts of life adventures.
In addition, Khabensky believes that people underestimate the importance of the mistakes they make. He believes that is where our strength lies. The more we make mistakes, the more conclusions we can draw in the end.
Constantine is convinced that each of us needs to deal with the doubt that lives inside us: “Because of doubt, we lose what we could have gained, but not even tried.”
Unusually and reverently Khabensky speaks of love for loved ones. For example, he believes that her sense of humor is more important in a beloved woman than the ability to cook. And truly appreciate those who can see in you 3 things: “sadness behind a smile, love behind anger, and the reason for your silence.”
None of us know exactly how long we will live. Khabensky is sure that we cannot influence the length of life. But we can change its width and depth. Only you know how to do that.
In fact, the actor always advises to rely only on yourself: Someday you will understand that many of the formulas and aphorisms that you have caught in the world around you are empty, albeit beautiful, sets of words - nothing more. Only the truths that you have reached are important.” Do you agree with that?
What thoughts of Konstantin Khabensky were close to you?
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