The real story of Anton Gorodetsky - super!
It was an accident. That is not on purpose, but all of a sudden. For the film we shot enlargement small screen phone, which can be seen from the book as a mobile device number is selected and you press the call. Nokia devices arranged in such a way that when you call the subscriber number is displayed first, and only then determined name. And now for the filming of this uncomplicated action, exclusively likelihood, it was necessary to urgently someone's number to enter. Somehow did not think beforehand whose it ...
I only remember that prop Sergei asked, "what number to score?" I answer:
"Yes, without a difference! Though my! "We just were in a hurry. Said - and forgotten.
And the first of January, when several thousand people in all theaters of the country watched the first film of the year ...
To be honest, at first I was not too upset that then, on the set, prop Sergei signed my number under the name of Anton Gorodetsky.
- Hello, and you can hear Anton?
- Anton at dusk.
- Where, where? .. Sorry, I'll call back later.
And it certainly call back. And they sent a sms after him: "Who are you?" At first, even store such messages. Thought for memory.
Phone memory huddled around an hour. Despite the fact that my machine can hold 100 smsok. "Your phone shows in all theaters of the country. Let's get acquainted! "Or," I really want to meet you and be with you! Well, at least tell me who you are - a girl or a boy!?!?!?!? »
By the end of the first week I have become picky bride. Keep only your favorites. Something like: "Anton, why did you answer me a female voice ??? You've got someone there ??? I LOVE YOU !!! "rings, for example, some nymphet night and languidly breathing:
- Alёё and Anton Call the phone. This Svetlana ...
Well, I think, and arrogance!
- Girl - reply - Svetlana - that's me !!!
Still a little bit and I started throwing panties. Women - they are all the same wonderful little animals. Write: "Antonio !!! I LOVE YOU !!! CALL !!! »
An hour passes ... "Antonio !!! I WAIT !!! »
Another hour: "Antonio !!! You're such a nice cat !!! »
Another hour, "Well it is difficult CALL ???»
And finally: "I HATE YOU !!! YOU conceited GOAT !!! »
Over time I had even regular customers.
- And Anton will soon return from Twilight?
- You know, as always, after the holidays, a lot of work. He's gone, and even notes on the refrigerator did not leave ...
- Ahh ... And who are you?
But some I learned all the same.
- We will for the fifth time it was, and you say that in the dusk. Do you think we do not understand who you are?
Well, I will say that ... Svetlana Light - loyal friend of Anton, the film practically wife.
- Yes you do Zhanna Friske! We voice heard !!! And we can sing? Here is your "La-la-la-la ...»
By the way, with regard to voice the opinions diverged.
- Hello.
- Anton, priveeet!
When there were pirated copies, I removed the bell. Otherwise I would phone hoarse. And at the end of the second week disable vibration. Because in this mode, the machine went on the table almost without stopping. When getting bored, then I put her in front of him pens and pencils - it was a steeplechase. Eighteen pencils in an hour, then ends the table.
- Girl, and what's your name? ..
- And who do you call?
- Anton Gorodetsky ...
- So, Anton ...
- Seriously?
- For those of you just - Anton ...
- A lot of you call?
- Yes ... But you will not?
- And do you want?
- No.
- Well, Anton ...
In fact come across good people. It's a lot smsok that "your number shown in the movie! We would like to warn you about this, because the calls begin! »
And so caution is still ...
"Just think, because your site could be and I !!! - Worried well-wisher wrote. - And you are warned that the number will be used in this way? Sue the filmmakers do not want? Or freaks of MTS, which are so betrayed subscriber? »
Sometimes I arrange open days - that is responsible for everyone. Receive calls from the public was conducted from time to time. Some were taken into submission - from one number could be 30-40 calls. Because our country is big and belted different time zones, night accumulated about 200 unanswered calls. Gradually I began to understand when people call. They are watching a movie, see a room, pause and usually immediately break through the room. So I could keep artless Statistics, which states that the average in Russia every 8-10 minutes watching pirate movies.
- A Call to Anton tube.
- He dusk.
- Aaha ha ha ... Wow, you come up with! Do you know where I call that? From Baikonur! Yeah, that saw the film and give, I think, a call. I call Toll. Toljan. And you?
- Ales - for some reason I answered honestly. - Hello, Anatoly!
- Are you in the movie work?
- Yes I Am.
- And we've got pirated copies of all sell!
I think, and not ashamed to say such things to me?
- Ales ... February 28 our unit disbanded. Take me by the operator! I can with the camera! if the wedding or celebration of some sort, who takes? Toljan! Okay, I went to the cinema to inspect. Look, I'm surprised that you talk to me! Why is such an honor?
You would think again 50 I scored, I'd walk to you came. Toljan then rang a couple of times, woos operators themselves. Was drunk. Receive an SMS: "Ales, sorry! We, the officers always thumps. " Then completely disappeared.
I immediately decided: absolutely not to be rude. Even if you really got. Sometimes they just want to kill, but as they say, will come to the funeral of seven. Well I kindly. And I write: "Surrender, witch! ..»
Sometimes saved commercialism citizens. They will all sorts of bad questions to ask such as "Do you take me in the dusk?" And I told them: "Yes, and you know that this number included $ 10 for a minute?" Immediately the phone throwing. But in fact I was thrown into a tube, probably half the country - because not all dared to ask Anton.
In the end, I did not have time to clean sms, no I could not get through - the sound of something off. Gradually, friends and acquaintances all ceased to contact me via mobile phone. I became a slave of the lamp. In connection with this very touching treat smske that is not deleted ever: "Your number is shown in the movie steep! CONGRATULATIONS !!! :))) »
OH YEAH !!! YES, YES, YES !!! This is a success!
Good friends, filmmakers told that here in the West, then one major American film company bought a number of rooms exclusively for use in films. Some asked "to blaspheme" my number. Once given phone Bears - he on our site special effects involved. And Misha with him all day long answer. Comes smska: "Kostya, hello! You're the best actor! And I have a birthday today !!! "Mike asks:" Is it possible to call back? "Call back, that here ...
- Ale. Hello, you sent me a text message.
- I wish you happiness, health, success ...
And then came smska: "Kostya, my name is Dean, I'm from Nizhny Novgorod. It's you I call back when there was a birthday. Thanks you !!! You are a very good man. "
Or here's another smska: "This is a film took your number. Normal movie and I do respect you more with the "Cops". Himself a soldier in Chechnya. As he live? Write. Small. "
Somehow comes SMS: "Hi, Anton! How are you doing? ". And it comes not from some incognito, and from our prop Sergei. The man who once asked "And what number to score?" Oh, you think ... prop !!! Kidding ?! Come on, tell someone of our own and you're there too. I called him immediately to at least throw the tube in the ear. And he said: "Come on you ... Your a number I have entered for Anton ... But svoooy - for Svetlana ...»
I told you, we were in a hurry.
One girl called once ...
- Give me Anton.
- Girl, he at dusk.
- Honey, I have already many times and each time I called it at dusk. You know ... I kidding ?!
And then a young man called:
- I want to hear Anton.
- At dusk.
- Bullied, huh? I recently called this number, it was locked. You put money !!! I have no right to talk to him ?!
"I'm sorry, Kostya had missed 11 January and write just now. Good Luck! Happiness! Love! "It turns out that the number of Keira Knightley 11 birthday ...
Actor Knightley was invited to rest in Evpatoria, left a specific address. Nino calling to Georgia. Gulnara from Bishkek vowed to love and devotion. I'm not talking about the Crimea ... Judging by the number of calls, Ukraine generally very actively loves Others. And a lot of them in Israel. And in the former Baltic republics less.
I still ask: why not change the number? And I just sufficient inert substance. I have something very rare. Only if broken or need to wash. And so - almost touched nothing. At first it was interesting. Then enraged awful. And now ... recently had smska: "Sell the number of at least 10,000 $!»
I feel - not selling.
I only remember that prop Sergei asked, "what number to score?" I answer:
"Yes, without a difference! Though my! "We just were in a hurry. Said - and forgotten.
And the first of January, when several thousand people in all theaters of the country watched the first film of the year ...
To be honest, at first I was not too upset that then, on the set, prop Sergei signed my number under the name of Anton Gorodetsky.
- Hello, and you can hear Anton?
- Anton at dusk.
- Where, where? .. Sorry, I'll call back later.
And it certainly call back. And they sent a sms after him: "Who are you?" At first, even store such messages. Thought for memory.
Phone memory huddled around an hour. Despite the fact that my machine can hold 100 smsok. "Your phone shows in all theaters of the country. Let's get acquainted! "Or," I really want to meet you and be with you! Well, at least tell me who you are - a girl or a boy!?!?!?!? »
By the end of the first week I have become picky bride. Keep only your favorites. Something like: "Anton, why did you answer me a female voice ??? You've got someone there ??? I LOVE YOU !!! "rings, for example, some nymphet night and languidly breathing:
- Alёё and Anton Call the phone. This Svetlana ...
Well, I think, and arrogance!
- Girl - reply - Svetlana - that's me !!!
Still a little bit and I started throwing panties. Women - they are all the same wonderful little animals. Write: "Antonio !!! I LOVE YOU !!! CALL !!! »
An hour passes ... "Antonio !!! I WAIT !!! »
Another hour: "Antonio !!! You're such a nice cat !!! »
Another hour, "Well it is difficult CALL ???»
And finally: "I HATE YOU !!! YOU conceited GOAT !!! »
Over time I had even regular customers.
- And Anton will soon return from Twilight?
- You know, as always, after the holidays, a lot of work. He's gone, and even notes on the refrigerator did not leave ...
- Ahh ... And who are you?
But some I learned all the same.
- We will for the fifth time it was, and you say that in the dusk. Do you think we do not understand who you are?
Well, I will say that ... Svetlana Light - loyal friend of Anton, the film practically wife.
- Yes you do Zhanna Friske! We voice heard !!! And we can sing? Here is your "La-la-la-la ...»
By the way, with regard to voice the opinions diverged.
- Hello.
- Anton, priveeet!
When there were pirated copies, I removed the bell. Otherwise I would phone hoarse. And at the end of the second week disable vibration. Because in this mode, the machine went on the table almost without stopping. When getting bored, then I put her in front of him pens and pencils - it was a steeplechase. Eighteen pencils in an hour, then ends the table.
- Girl, and what's your name? ..
- And who do you call?
- Anton Gorodetsky ...
- So, Anton ...
- Seriously?
- For those of you just - Anton ...
- A lot of you call?
- Yes ... But you will not?
- And do you want?
- No.
- Well, Anton ...
In fact come across good people. It's a lot smsok that "your number shown in the movie! We would like to warn you about this, because the calls begin! »
And so caution is still ...
"Just think, because your site could be and I !!! - Worried well-wisher wrote. - And you are warned that the number will be used in this way? Sue the filmmakers do not want? Or freaks of MTS, which are so betrayed subscriber? »
Sometimes I arrange open days - that is responsible for everyone. Receive calls from the public was conducted from time to time. Some were taken into submission - from one number could be 30-40 calls. Because our country is big and belted different time zones, night accumulated about 200 unanswered calls. Gradually I began to understand when people call. They are watching a movie, see a room, pause and usually immediately break through the room. So I could keep artless Statistics, which states that the average in Russia every 8-10 minutes watching pirate movies.
- A Call to Anton tube.
- He dusk.
- Aaha ha ha ... Wow, you come up with! Do you know where I call that? From Baikonur! Yeah, that saw the film and give, I think, a call. I call Toll. Toljan. And you?
- Ales - for some reason I answered honestly. - Hello, Anatoly!
- Are you in the movie work?
- Yes I Am.
- And we've got pirated copies of all sell!
I think, and not ashamed to say such things to me?
- Ales ... February 28 our unit disbanded. Take me by the operator! I can with the camera! if the wedding or celebration of some sort, who takes? Toljan! Okay, I went to the cinema to inspect. Look, I'm surprised that you talk to me! Why is such an honor?
You would think again 50 I scored, I'd walk to you came. Toljan then rang a couple of times, woos operators themselves. Was drunk. Receive an SMS: "Ales, sorry! We, the officers always thumps. " Then completely disappeared.
I immediately decided: absolutely not to be rude. Even if you really got. Sometimes they just want to kill, but as they say, will come to the funeral of seven. Well I kindly. And I write: "Surrender, witch! ..»
Sometimes saved commercialism citizens. They will all sorts of bad questions to ask such as "Do you take me in the dusk?" And I told them: "Yes, and you know that this number included $ 10 for a minute?" Immediately the phone throwing. But in fact I was thrown into a tube, probably half the country - because not all dared to ask Anton.
In the end, I did not have time to clean sms, no I could not get through - the sound of something off. Gradually, friends and acquaintances all ceased to contact me via mobile phone. I became a slave of the lamp. In connection with this very touching treat smske that is not deleted ever: "Your number is shown in the movie steep! CONGRATULATIONS !!! :))) »
OH YEAH !!! YES, YES, YES !!! This is a success!
Good friends, filmmakers told that here in the West, then one major American film company bought a number of rooms exclusively for use in films. Some asked "to blaspheme" my number. Once given phone Bears - he on our site special effects involved. And Misha with him all day long answer. Comes smska: "Kostya, hello! You're the best actor! And I have a birthday today !!! "Mike asks:" Is it possible to call back? "Call back, that here ...
- Ale. Hello, you sent me a text message.
- I wish you happiness, health, success ...
And then came smska: "Kostya, my name is Dean, I'm from Nizhny Novgorod. It's you I call back when there was a birthday. Thanks you !!! You are a very good man. "
Or here's another smska: "This is a film took your number. Normal movie and I do respect you more with the "Cops". Himself a soldier in Chechnya. As he live? Write. Small. "
Somehow comes SMS: "Hi, Anton! How are you doing? ". And it comes not from some incognito, and from our prop Sergei. The man who once asked "And what number to score?" Oh, you think ... prop !!! Kidding ?! Come on, tell someone of our own and you're there too. I called him immediately to at least throw the tube in the ear. And he said: "Come on you ... Your a number I have entered for Anton ... But svoooy - for Svetlana ...»
I told you, we were in a hurry.
One girl called once ...
- Give me Anton.
- Girl, he at dusk.
- Honey, I have already many times and each time I called it at dusk. You know ... I kidding ?!
And then a young man called:
- I want to hear Anton.
- At dusk.
- Bullied, huh? I recently called this number, it was locked. You put money !!! I have no right to talk to him ?!
"I'm sorry, Kostya had missed 11 January and write just now. Good Luck! Happiness! Love! "It turns out that the number of Keira Knightley 11 birthday ...
Actor Knightley was invited to rest in Evpatoria, left a specific address. Nino calling to Georgia. Gulnara from Bishkek vowed to love and devotion. I'm not talking about the Crimea ... Judging by the number of calls, Ukraine generally very actively loves Others. And a lot of them in Israel. And in the former Baltic republics less.
I still ask: why not change the number? And I just sufficient inert substance. I have something very rare. Only if broken or need to wash. And so - almost touched nothing. At first it was interesting. Then enraged awful. And now ... recently had smska: "Sell the number of at least 10,000 $!»
I feel - not selling.
