The basis for the recovery and promotion of health, to achieve social success is flawless - art in all circumstances, to maintain optimum energy relationship with the world and with itself. Perfection is no more than the correct use of energy. And the issues of morality and ethics do not have the slightest relationship. I have the energy, and it makes me invulnerable. To understand this, you need to accumulate a sufficient amount of energy.
Perfect - do the best you can, in all, what you are involved
.- I keep trying to live according to your advice. Maybe I did not get everything, but I'm doing everything I can. Can I call it perfection?
- No. You have to do something more.
You have to constantly surpass itself.
Impeccable warrior does not need someone to lead. Only by saving energy it is able to achieve anything on their own, thereby achieving seeing.
All that he needs - is the least luck. He just has to come from somewhere to learn about the capabilities of a person, seeing the open.
And it all begins with any one action that needs to be focused, precise and carried out with determination. Repeat this action for a long time, the person becomes unbending intent. And once it is achieved - the way is clear. Each step will lead to the next, and so it will be as long as the full potential of the warrior will not be fully realized.
Perfect Warrior provides other themselves and support them in what is most important to them.
And if they are not themselves an impeccable warrior, then your duty - to be perfect and do not say a word.
The hardest thing in the world for the soldier - give others themselves.
Motivation Action Warriors are very simple, but the subtlety with which they operate, should be unsurpassed. Warrior gets a rare opportunity, a true chance to be impeccable, despite gripping ITS ChUVSTVAM.Ty gave me this unique chance. Acting freely and impeccably rejuvenates me and update my surprise mirom.- And the magicians solve this problem?
- Nobody does not solve anything. SPIRIT or solve it for us or not. If so, the magician finds himself acting in the wizarding world, without knowing how.
That's why I have always insisted that flawless - the only thing that is in the bill. Magician live a blameless life - and it attracts decision.
Why? Nobody knows.
Perfection only resembles morality. Perfect - this is the best use of our energy level.
Naturally, this requires thrift, and prudence and simplicity and moral purity, but, above all, it implies a lack of self-reflection (self-reflection). Although it resembles an excerpt from the monastery rules, it is not so.
- Warrior holds strategic inventory. It is a list of everything he does. And then decides which of the following should be changed to give yourself a break in the expenditure of energy.
Strategic inventory affects only those behavioral patterns that are not essential for the survival and well-being. Strategically list warriors self-importance figures as the most energy-intensive factor, hence their efforts to eradicate it.
- The first task of the warrior - to release that energy to use it at a meeting with the unknown. Perfection is precisely those carried out whereby a redistribution of power ...
Basic principles of integrity
Cformulirovany into Kriya Yoga (the rules of intellectual, moral and physical health - yama and niyama). Their observance is necessary for all who stood in the way of spiritual razvitiya.Pyat restrictions (JMA - self)
1. Ahimsa - non-violence towards all, including to himself and the natural order of things in the world - in thought, word and deed. It concerns of showing contempt for another person, dislikes or prejudices.
Protect yourself or others, the performance of duty, his mission - refers to the natural order of things in the world
.Ahimsa - The weapon of strong, weak it can not praktikovat.Neprotivlenie - a virtue only when there is a power to resist.
The practice of ahimsa helps to abandon self-importance - the main consumer of vital energy. Developing self-control and patience, you will be able to safely respond to accusations and insults, driving themselves and the situation in general.
2. Satya - truthfulness, refusal of lies and self-deception. Thought, word and deed must be in harmony with each other. A person can not be healthy unless forced to lie, if it can not be natural.
When you tell the truth, your mind is cleared.
Do your obeschaniya.Bespristrastnost, self-control, modesty, endurance, kindness, self-abnegation, fortitude - species istiny.Nepokolebimost in truth it gives hardness in the aspiration to health. If you are strengthened in the truth, you will gain the gift of prophetic speech - no matter what was told it will happen.
3. Asteyya - the rejection of the desire to possess what is not ours.
This applies not only to things - you can not "steal" other people's time, to engage in "empty" talk, and others.
4. Brahmacharya - control of feelings and desires, abstinence, rejection of indulging their passions and weaknesses. Rejection of all superfluous, without which you can do, from acts that lead to unnecessary energy consumption.
Observance of Brahmacharya gives tremendous energy and strength voli.Lichnaya manpower - is not only the concentration of energy in its energy mix.
Personal power - is primarily a control - the ability to consciously control the processes of redistribution of energy in the system. Without control of the energy does not become a force.
(Andrew Siderskiĭ. "The third opening force»
5. Aparigraha - the failure to take the gifts, as a result of which we feel the debtors or the donor believes that we will be obliged to him. Gifts made dependent weakening individuality. (Extortion, where, at first glance, is taking control of the situation - in fact, a violation of this and all of the above principles, with all the ensuing consequences).
Aparigraha eliminates the anxiety, the fear of loss, grief from the loss, affection, frustration, concern and anxiety. It gives peace and tranquility.
Five Precepts (ments)
Compliance with internal and external cleanliness. The purity of body, mind and the environment is important to harmonize energy. Lower entities are attracted to musoru.S cleansing comes health, good mood, concentration, subjugation of the senses and the ability to self-realization.
Satisfaction and acceptance of all such, as it is to bring happiness and peace.
Consistently and correctly work on themselves, asceticism (self-restraint) .Byt host their "want" and "do not want to" bring to an end its practice of asceticism nachinaniya.S come higher power - Siddhi.
Self-study, striving to deepen self-awareness in the direction of merging with Edinym.Eto allows us to see God in you.
Surrender and acceptance of the One as the source of human awareness.
Through dedication comes superconscious state - samadhi.
Compliance with the principles of integrity can not depend on social status, place, time or opportunity. We should not look for excuses to avoid them.
.Ponyatie Perfection
(In the works of Carlos Castaneda)