Valuable advice for all adults from the ten-year girl
Sometimes small children think about the fact that adults seem obvious, and come to a completely unexpected conclusions. And sometimes these thoughts have much to teach the older generation.
Website has decided to share with you the thoughts of 10-year-old girl, about how important not to think in stereotypes and how this can be useful in raising children.
"It all started with the viper. In an ordinary morning at the Australian Zoo Common viper she gave birth to a daughter, echidna, and the news, breaking for an hour about 15 thousand kilometers, was the subject of the morning discussing Moscow's three sisters and their mother.
- Why echidna named malicious? It is that viper? - small Pauline asked.
Mom thought, and quite quickly, although uncertain, has put forward the version that is most likely yes, echidna and even harmful. But first, it was simply called malicious, and then, worn out with its harmful character became known because of not very nice people.
- Here's how to pigs, for example, - explained the mom - or there with foxes. They Dirt and hitruli, and now all untidy and cunning people we call pigs and foxes, respectively. So it is with malicious. Probably.
I looked again at the picture. Echidna was so sweet and even smiling. How can it be harmful?
I decided to check my mother's version. But nothing special do not have: pretty quickly became clear that the definition of "malicious", which we award all not very nice people, came from the other Echidna - a mythological creature poluzhenschina-half snake, which was incredibly vicious and By the way, my mother had a whole heap of monsters, particularly the terrible Cerberus.
Australian echidna was rehabilitated, but I feel pretty - it seemed unfair that the version about the fact that the echidna has a bad temper, seemed to us logical, and climbed to verify that there is actually a pigs and foxes. It turned out that pigs do not Dirt and very clean. It was also found that the cunning fox confirms only that it confuses the tracks, and so do many of the animals.
Closing the computer, I suddenly thought that adults are not limited to animals. Unfortunately, they give a performance and people too. How if you can describe a man in a word, as if we all have the right to be coupled to the person at least some sign.
For example, in my family there is a perception that dad, grandma and my older brother is very awkward at the table. My sister Alena most similar to all the father's line, and why it is considered that it is also present a strange gene "embarrassment at dinner." When Allen sits at the table, and even in the company of dad, grandma or a brother, all at once begin to giggle, that now certain that something is spilled or broken. No one remembers where it came from this family entertainment, but in fact, Alain is very accurate, and I think she's just playing to his parents.
But I, for one, find it is very sloppy in their own things. I can not say that the spread of the places my favorite thing, but in fact I also like when there are clean and in order. And I certainly can and I want to put things in order in their own things. But one day my mother after I spent two hours trying to make the perfect table, said:
- To you Alain, whether that sign all dismantled?
She could not even imagine it, I did it myself, because it already gave me the trailer to death characteristic of sluts. No, I will not be blamed for this and does not consider me worse than other children. Just like my humble themselves with this feature. And I absolutely do not agree to match a single characteristic.
Well, let's say, you say it's all examples of bad traits, and that good parents cultivate in their children only positive features. And I'll tell you that, and do not need to.
For example, in our family, the children are divided like this: I - clever, Alain - sports, Pauline - music. It's all good characteristics, and our parents are very proud of us. They believe that these are their terms we will develop and find their application.
The fact that I'm smart, I hear all day, starting with four years. And do not think that this makes me happy. When there is no one to answer in class, everyone was looking at me when my mother time to explain something to the younger girls - it sends them to me, and if I do not know something or make mistakes in their classroom, it is perceived as a universal tragedy. But I do not know much and would like to see that no one is surprised. At the same time, I love to sing and incredibly happy to do the vocals, but this is my hobby for some reason, no one pays attention. No, me and praise go to my concerts, but when someone represent, we say:
- It is Olesya. She is very intelligent.
And Allen? Trying to meet the family ideas that it sports, she enrolled in all possible sections, which is only enough for her time. Now she has 14 hours of sport a week, and everybody is waiting for from her outstanding results and it is just very tired. And I know that's something she'd have to quit, but our sport is incredibly proud of his daddy's daughter. Thus Alain much better than I have time for foreign languages, and I better get to speak in the school team for pionerbolu. But I never called athletic, smart and Alain.
I heard that you, adults, all play their roles. Someone hard head of someone caring mother, the other - the crazy hippies. It's your own choice. But it is not labeled as to their children. Let us choose our own way. We really really want to make you happy and very depends on you, so we will go all out correspond to those ideas that you came up to us. But we do not just develop every day and every hour. And we all smart and athletic, and music, and awkward, modest and mischievous child - and it's all in one minute. We We want to grow themselves in themselves the traits that we like and remove the ones that will hinder us. Just let us this & quot ;.
via www.boredpanda.com/crazy-hair-day-4/
Website has decided to share with you the thoughts of 10-year-old girl, about how important not to think in stereotypes and how this can be useful in raising children.
"It all started with the viper. In an ordinary morning at the Australian Zoo Common viper she gave birth to a daughter, echidna, and the news, breaking for an hour about 15 thousand kilometers, was the subject of the morning discussing Moscow's three sisters and their mother.
- Why echidna named malicious? It is that viper? - small Pauline asked.
Mom thought, and quite quickly, although uncertain, has put forward the version that is most likely yes, echidna and even harmful. But first, it was simply called malicious, and then, worn out with its harmful character became known because of not very nice people.
- Here's how to pigs, for example, - explained the mom - or there with foxes. They Dirt and hitruli, and now all untidy and cunning people we call pigs and foxes, respectively. So it is with malicious. Probably.
I looked again at the picture. Echidna was so sweet and even smiling. How can it be harmful?
I decided to check my mother's version. But nothing special do not have: pretty quickly became clear that the definition of "malicious", which we award all not very nice people, came from the other Echidna - a mythological creature poluzhenschina-half snake, which was incredibly vicious and By the way, my mother had a whole heap of monsters, particularly the terrible Cerberus.
Australian echidna was rehabilitated, but I feel pretty - it seemed unfair that the version about the fact that the echidna has a bad temper, seemed to us logical, and climbed to verify that there is actually a pigs and foxes. It turned out that pigs do not Dirt and very clean. It was also found that the cunning fox confirms only that it confuses the tracks, and so do many of the animals.
Closing the computer, I suddenly thought that adults are not limited to animals. Unfortunately, they give a performance and people too. How if you can describe a man in a word, as if we all have the right to be coupled to the person at least some sign.
For example, in my family there is a perception that dad, grandma and my older brother is very awkward at the table. My sister Alena most similar to all the father's line, and why it is considered that it is also present a strange gene "embarrassment at dinner." When Allen sits at the table, and even in the company of dad, grandma or a brother, all at once begin to giggle, that now certain that something is spilled or broken. No one remembers where it came from this family entertainment, but in fact, Alain is very accurate, and I think she's just playing to his parents.
But I, for one, find it is very sloppy in their own things. I can not say that the spread of the places my favorite thing, but in fact I also like when there are clean and in order. And I certainly can and I want to put things in order in their own things. But one day my mother after I spent two hours trying to make the perfect table, said:
- To you Alain, whether that sign all dismantled?
She could not even imagine it, I did it myself, because it already gave me the trailer to death characteristic of sluts. No, I will not be blamed for this and does not consider me worse than other children. Just like my humble themselves with this feature. And I absolutely do not agree to match a single characteristic.
Well, let's say, you say it's all examples of bad traits, and that good parents cultivate in their children only positive features. And I'll tell you that, and do not need to.
For example, in our family, the children are divided like this: I - clever, Alain - sports, Pauline - music. It's all good characteristics, and our parents are very proud of us. They believe that these are their terms we will develop and find their application.
The fact that I'm smart, I hear all day, starting with four years. And do not think that this makes me happy. When there is no one to answer in class, everyone was looking at me when my mother time to explain something to the younger girls - it sends them to me, and if I do not know something or make mistakes in their classroom, it is perceived as a universal tragedy. But I do not know much and would like to see that no one is surprised. At the same time, I love to sing and incredibly happy to do the vocals, but this is my hobby for some reason, no one pays attention. No, me and praise go to my concerts, but when someone represent, we say:
- It is Olesya. She is very intelligent.
And Allen? Trying to meet the family ideas that it sports, she enrolled in all possible sections, which is only enough for her time. Now she has 14 hours of sport a week, and everybody is waiting for from her outstanding results and it is just very tired. And I know that's something she'd have to quit, but our sport is incredibly proud of his daddy's daughter. Thus Alain much better than I have time for foreign languages, and I better get to speak in the school team for pionerbolu. But I never called athletic, smart and Alain.
I heard that you, adults, all play their roles. Someone hard head of someone caring mother, the other - the crazy hippies. It's your own choice. But it is not labeled as to their children. Let us choose our own way. We really really want to make you happy and very depends on you, so we will go all out correspond to those ideas that you came up to us. But we do not just develop every day and every hour. And we all smart and athletic, and music, and awkward, modest and mischievous child - and it's all in one minute. We We want to grow themselves in themselves the traits that we like and remove the ones that will hinder us. Just let us this & quot ;.
via www.boredpanda.com/crazy-hair-day-4/