Pope - not a nurse or assistant. He - a full parent

writer and mother of six children Rachel Tolson shares his thoughts on how plays an important role in the life of the father of their children. It seems that in her family everything is perfect and the case is rather an exception, but that's how it should be.
Family Rachel something unique, yet six children are now a rarity, but we Website sure that they definitely have a lot to learn. After all, the pope - is a full-fledged parent, not a temporary replacement in the absence of mothers.
"You know, it would be nice if we lived in a world where men" help "take care of children, do not ascend to the podium. Where men have brought up children and caring for them, and it was not considered to something extraordinary.
I understand. The Company is still in the process of establishment of gender equality. Women continue to defend their right to a career, many people want, in addition to home and children, have a job yet. Traditionally, men were breadwinners and women were everyday life, so the men taking care of the offspring - something new. But I feel that we are on the right track.
My husband and I are very happy in marriage. However, from 6 am to 5:30 pm, and we share with each other parental responsibilities, and every sort of man for himself. Of course, in the evenings and on weekends we spend time together, but the week with the children is always one person. I first change I make breakfast, lunch collect school, wash and dress the children, three otvozhu to school, and the rest - back home where entertaining the smallest and read books for those who are older. Husband replaces me at 12:30 pm when they were asleep. He plays with them, going for walks, inviting their friends to visit us and help children with homework. That dad watching their diaries and makes sure that they are washed and prepared for tomorrow utensils for school lunches. He feeds the baby, change his diaper and sees to it that the children cleaned their toys. By the end of his shift when the house cleaned up, my husband makes dinner.
While I'm really appreciate everything he does, I do not think this is something extraordinary. This is called being a parent.
Many people are surprised to our routine. "You were very lucky with my husband, he helps you," - they say.
The decision to have six children we have taken together. I am sure that I have a right to count on his help, too, to be able to work.
But there is one fact that might make my husband's exceptional. He understands that because of my work, I was the best mother to her children. He took it and happy to follow my progress in their careers.
But when he looks after the children, so I could shut down in a room and write a few articles he - not a nurse. When I leave once a month with friends in a book club for three hours talking about everything, and he was sitting with the children, he - not a nurse. When he was preparing dinner, or go for a walk with the baby, so I could sleep a little more, it is not just my assistant. He - a full parent.
Friends, grandmother and nurse - assistants. A father - parent.
I would like to understand it all & quot ;.
via www.huffingtonpost.com/rachel-toalson/a-dad-is-not-a-babysitter-or-a-helper_b_8911878.html?ncid=fcbklnkushpmg00000063