Energy exchange between time zones at the simplest level.

Intergalactic group free worlds elixir - the energy exchange between time zones at the simplest level. 13.01.2016.
13 January 2016.
The closer you approach the Ascension, the objective in your life includes concepts such as "Outside Time", "multi-dimensional reality" and synergy of entire worlds and universes, to - according to the level. It is so unusual for the material consciousness to accept the fact that a plurality of projections, and things - mobile, but it is at the same time, nothing to do with the visual perception. It's so strange to know that you are in the same world, or one reality, and in parallel - there are thousands more ... and in each of them - present some of your particle (... perhaps the soul ... perhaps consciousness ... maybe the projection of mental images).
Such statements are completely split materialist theory, and attempts to explain the inexplicable in terms only of matter and the Earth's physical idea, owned "a little asleep," the observer (... divine inter-cosmic soul, part of the whole Great Beginning Beginning), talking about the fact that the space and time - local value as shown by the plan, only one - is matter and material zakony.I however, you will hear them more often.
People who talk about it - all around you. Ancient prophecies come true, broadcasting that will come the Golden Age, which come in the sunset of the 5th Sun, and with it will come "zvezdorozhdёnnye children" that will bring new knowledge to the Earth, and a new spirituality. The world will change dramatically, and the materialistic way of life give way to a transcendent civilization based - on brotherhood, cooperation, spirituality and crystal inter-cosmic consciousness. And these frames, separating from the familiar unfamiliar - also near you. These gateways separating dense plan - from the hyper-universe eons computable and neperechislyaemyh plans - also near you.
It is time, you know?
You live in it. You incarnated here, and now ... it is in this historic period of change of consciousness, paradigm. You came from distant stars, you have shown the intention you want to incarnate ... here ... and here you are ...
Incarnation - is the embodiment of the soul in the body, with the intended scheme (plan) of the life that is going to live inside the soul of one or another civilization, the era, the sun. Therefore, give up their false beliefs, and look at reality as it is. Take a look at the reality, as the Master. Each of you - a Master multidimensional.
Why come these "new" ideas about the multidimensionality of everything, in the nature of things?
Why come to the palette of extraterrestrial or inter-cosmic perception of the nature of things?
To give you a new spirit. In order for you to remember is that to you - dear. In order to upgrade you to the next level. In order for you to breathe oxygen cosmic awareness. To true spirituality came into your cells, in your view of the world (of reality), and fill you to the brim, like a divine vessel, regaining his greatness, his Spirit, his divine identity. This - these invisible categories
(... What we're talking about). At first they seem to be invisible, because human beings have not yet formed an idea about them (... or forgotten, either temporarily hidden, or waiting in the wings). Then - a lot of things that are vital - suddenly begin to take on certain characteristics, and according to the divine wisdom, according to certain difficult for the observer, the laws begin to turn - in the objective factors, which then become - Researched manifest features that "suddenly" begin to exist . And since you are now going on in the world, when a group of divine souls remember something by stealth, and quite subtle beginning, that characterizes the properties of the True Pure Divine Source (Divine ... Sade, from which all of you have taken place). This happens with moments of love and moments with an open mind - its original features and authentic Memory House Source. And the thinner the energy that flows, and polarized ... on the mental, spiritual, mental, sensory, and other levels of manifestation of spiritual evolution part of the whole - the more natural for you to become a vast ideas of cosmic reality related - to a multidimensional synthesis of various sizes, and peripheries.
Good thing that you've seen more than once. Over the past 25-30 years, which is characterized upbeat Planetary Curtain (Veil), related to the fact that the veil is periodically reopened, and from it flow lyumenissentsii, and life begins to seem a little wider as if you left the room in which you were before and moved on a broad volumetric freedom (... This is so widespread that you washes certain ocean waves, and harmonica), ... it does not happen again.
And it partly happened in 1987 (... point is related to the events of the Harmonic Convergence), 1991 (... point associated with the transformation of the paradigms of consciousness of earthlings, they invisibly chosen on thin plans to move further into the expanded version of reality, the central source-God), 2012, the year (... point associated with the involvement of a massive number of photons on the planet, and the disclosure of the chronicles, and information characterizing the transition
Frontier Borders, and the World). And each such point, you have seen a small moment ajar veil (... as if someone opened before you a divine blind or curtain separating the visibility and perceptibility of reality as such). And it was all very sensual agree ...
Those who remember those moments when the veil occasionally reveals, know what we're talking. But it was - just the edge. It was - just a little deja vu, that captures part of the whole, integrated the Far Cordon Great Cosmos, for surprising and fascinating experiment, through which it has safely passed, having participated in more than one incarnation, going through a series of unique and unrepeatable experience (... sometimes is so controversial that it caused endless respect and admiration of your colleagues from behind the veil, watching, watching ... and adjoining all new teams to observe the great experiment, and tracking the developments of your type and your divine). And, nevertheless, the edge - is also for studying the fetus.
Speaking historically, with the position in the cycle through which the Great Space - everything has its periods, and the stage of formation. To be more innovative (... more approximate to the present day) categories, the reality unfolding in the One Who is, and therefore part of the whole - perceives reality, based on its level of awareness and personal evolution. Therefore, the phenomenon of which we have already mentioned, opens himself to lift the veil - you'll see again, because it - is inevitable. We say - the interaction of time zones that exist in the One Who. But if we talk about the rapidly developing mind (... working on TV, abiding in information flows, meditate) - that for her these moments can be daily, for chakra, kinetic, mental, and other channels (centers) involved in feeling REALITY LIGHT They can also catch - and multiple time zones, located on the periphery of the Great Cosmos, and multiple synergistic elixir tunnels through which literally poured properties and energy of these time zones.
The higher your vibration, the more intense you feel these time zones, and especially quantum will contact your Cosmic Spirit - with the realism of these time zones. Quantum means that the soul feels different
forms of reality, and it is the power (gained in meditation, and evolution, quality ...) to move and to keep the focus of observation in one or another time zone. The sensuality of such experiences, the more you feel what we call - a single synchronicity MATRIX Worlds and Realities. Thus, the closer you get to the specifics of the development of the soul group of earthlings who went up to the first level of ascension (... opened channels of spirituality opened multidimensional consciousness, raised the vibratory rate of frequency to pure unconditional Love-Light).
Through time zones regularly flowing energy, just as through a variety of cosmic structures, and systems - flow meta-wave flows konveritruyuschiesya at different stages of life, in various necessary substances that are useful for the evolution of life that, or that the meta-space civilization (... planetary formation). You will not take them as long as your vibrations - low. If your highest vibration - you'll feel like they literally permeate you. And then you'll notice that the energy literally flows from one time zone to another time zone, like the torsion zone. And with her - flow of information, and essences that can begin to exist - in the development of consciousness of the observer.
The simplest level of vision that is - to surround the Divine Reality - this is the level of feeling of what is happening in the divine reality (... vibrating, emanation, information, kinetic, crystal layer), characterized by smoothness and elasticity contemplating the Eternal Spirit. SOMETHING is happening, and has its roots - in the spiritual understanding of the nature of things, workshop and metaphysics. But, whether it is manifested in reality, and what is the manifestation of this energy exchange ... in the past - often depended on the planet, and from the Solar System. In the coming times, this time - will increasingly be linked to your spiritual self-development, or - in the formation of the Galactic Beings.