The level of interaction with knowledge.
There are several levels of interaction skills with knowledge.
Level 1: No opinion. Such a person is always ready to receive advice, easy to change the former point of view, if the interviewee was more convincing than than the previous one.
Skill that level: the ability to take a different view.
Level 2 has its own opinion, but not interested in the opinions of others. At all. Beliefs: "Vaska listens so eat».
Skill: not to be mentally driven.
Level 3 has its own opinion and there is a desire to have the same opinion was with others. State Warrior.
Skill: the ability to influence others.
Level 4: confident, listening to others. Realize that may not be right, it is sensitive to a different opinion, and feels the relevance of his vision of the world at the moment is now. Beliefs: "If you feel the call of the soul - I'm with you. If you ask me - I give you what I have learned ».
Skill: the interchange of energy knowledge with others on the basis of a heart resonance.
And how do you interact with the knowledge?
Wish you happiness!