We congratulate you with the come 2016, which promises you many new and interesting. You know already that it will be a turning point for many of you - those quick steps moving towards Ascension.
And believe me, it's not just words - very soon you will get confirmation that your Earth is changing their appearance, as well as your body, which are trying to keep up with the vibrations of the Earth.
How it will manifest and what you need to be prepared? We will tell you about it as detailed as possible.
First, be prepared to the fact that very soon your life will turn into a kind of double reality. What will it be expressed? You will begin to experience strange state of momentary weightlessness or flight - everyone it will be manifested in different ways, but you should not be afraid of this, because this way your changing body will adapt to life in the new vibrations, where gravity is another.
Second, get used to the fact that your mind begins to go far beyond the accepted norms and becomes a kind of anti-social. Of course, this does not mean that you will cause someone harm or inconvenience - only if in terms of psychological, as will you look at things in a completely different angle - from the standpoint of the Higher Universal Laws, and not from the perspective of an ordinary person, living in dual world.
Of course, this can cause irritation and incomprehension on the part of many people, but your unwavering self-righteousness you should be protected. And most importantly, you need to learn to smooth the rough edges do not engage in useless disputes with love and understanding to those who do not adhere to your opinion, who is his own, different from you by.
Third, try to find the time to ensure that as much as possible to enter the portals of the fifth dimension, which more and more will appear on your planet. Gradually you will develop there, getting used to different realities, to learn to control his body and thought, which will be henceforth your "Commander in Chief" - in fact it will now front and not your actions, what used to you the world's third-density .
Fourth, as soon as you feel that your body starts to get different options, and it can be very different feelings - from tingling and burning to a purely mechanical vibrations, try to learn how to manage the power of their thoughts.
How can it be manifested in action? For example, to go from one corner of the room to the other, mentally tell them to move your body. Start small - with a few steps.
And believe me, no matter how fantastic it may seem to you what we say, very soon it will become your new reality, so start now and, more importantly, believe that everything is subject to you.
Of course, everything you tell us you are more related to those Lightworkers who have progressed far enough, but also those who just stood on the path to Ascension, should be aware of what lies ahead of them - what interesting exciting life, and maybe it will inspire them to further work on them, give them courage to overcome the psychological barriers that stand in their way.
And we very much hope that the example of our civilization, which we tell in his writings, to instill in you the belief that anything is possible for a person aware of his greatness and his divinity.
We are with you, dear earthlings! We always support you and help you!
We send you all my love!
Andromeda Council of Elders spoke to you
January 4th, 2016