The most important obstacle to the Statement are our excuses. We always tell ourselves that "I do not have time to do it", "now is not the time or place", "this still does not work," "I do not want anything", "I have no means to do so "etc.
The main purpose of each of the excuses that do not need to do now. That finding excuses anything, we simply justify their inaction. It seems that there is nothing new in these words there, but think about yourself, how many times during the day you yourself say it.
For example, next week you've decided to do exercises in the morning. Do you solemnly decide that Monday get up 30 minutes earlier to have time to do everything, draw a picture of how lean your body will result in the training. You are full of enthusiasm and faith in his success!
Monday. Alarm clock. Your thoughts: "Oh, why so early? Oh yes, charging ... More soak 5 minutes ... 5 minutes later (if you have not fallen asleep): "How warm under a blanket. And why get up? In the life of so many disappointments, it is necessary to keep themselves, to sleep more. I do not want to do exercises now, I'm not in the mood. I make it the evening after work ».
In the evening, after work: "I am so tired ... What charge? Before bed to get. Or rather see the TV, there is now my favorite movie show. I've seen it three times, but I like it so much, that look again. A charge will do tomorrow »:)
And so it can be repeated every day. There will always be some important things that will distract you about your goals all the time will not have time. When we say to ourselves that "no time", we thus try to avoid the changes that can bring our actions.
Often, we are so accustomed to bad that we do nothing in order to somehow improve the situation. We can complain to others about our troubles, but it will leave it as it is.
I think that each of you are not just faced with a similar situation: a friend (or girlfriend) complain to you on my life (job, husband, overweight, bad relations with relatives).
Do you offer a few solutions to this problem, but instead of thanking you hear that "everything is possible, I do not have time for this (effort, money, friends)." Those. man himself is protected from anything that can be the solution to his problems.
In the book, Bert Hellinger's "order of love. As life and love work out together, "I saw a remarkable passage, just proving my point:" It is a gross error to believe that patients want to get rid of their problems. Often, they just want to get their confirmation. " Those. man is easier to suffer than to solve their problem.
Where's the exit?
The output can only find the man himself. If a person really wants to do something in his life, he will not be afraid of any obstacles, all of their obstacles, he turns into the problem and solve it. Any problem can be solved. Avoiding solve the problem, we are on the spot, do not develop, and eventually degrade. It is always easier to solve the problem immediately, as the problem tend to grow like a snowball. That is, finding excuses to his inaction, people complicate their lives.
Our favorite excuses
We always think that tomorrow (next week, next month, next year) we will have more time and opportunity to solve our problem, start to do something. But this is only an excuse.
What can stop us now is to make a small step towards solving the problem, a small step to him. After all, this is how we show our love to him. Love of self is such small victories have their laziness, apathy, uncertainty, fear and doubt.
Yes, it is always easier to postpone the solution of the problem on the back burner for a while and forget about it. But life always remember that. We are the life lessons as a problem not just. Because of these obstacles (ie, solve them), we are developing and progressing.
If you have any problem, then you have power and to address it.
If you back to the problem, do not want to solve it, then it robs you of power.
If you overcome obstacles, then you become stronger, ie this obstacle gives you his strength.
Remember this always!
Remember that you are a strong man!
Remember that there is always a way out !!!
Representatives of the constellation Orion, "You, the people of Earth, and your strength is in unity and legality"
Borrow money.