The Parable of the opportunities that we often overlook.

There is a legend, according to which each of us one day in the life of God comes. Moreover, it can appear in any guise - sodden little kitten, old man, a beggar - and our destiny will develop depending on how we behave in a moment of such a meeting ...
But there is a proverb:
There was a person in the world. And he had three dreams: to have a good job with a high salary, marry a beautiful girl and good ... to become famous all over the world.
Over a lifetime, many stories happened to him, we will tell you about three of them:
Winter cold morning a young man in a hurry for an interview with well-known company. Before the meeting was 5 minutes, and he still had to run the quarter. Suddenly, right in front of them he slipped and fell elderly man. Our hero looked at the man, decided that he was drunk and did not shake hands, ran on. Fortunately, he had a job interview on time. Unfortunately, his dream job did not take.
Warm summer evening a man was walking through the city. Noticing the troupe of street performers, he paused to enjoy the spectacle. The audience was a little, but the play was fun and exciting. After the presentation I heard applause and people started to disperse. Our man also was turned back, but someone timidly touched his shoulder. This was the main character of the play, the old woman-clown. She began to question him about whether he liked the performance, whether it is satisfied with the actors. But the man did not want to carry on a conversation, and turned away in disgust, went home.
One rainy autumn evening, people hurried home from the birth of another. The day was heavy and he wanted to quickly take a bath and go to sleep in a warm soft bed. Suddenly he heard someone's muffled sob. It is crying woman. She sat on a bench near the house of our hero. She was alone, without an umbrella, and only a light jacket hood rescued her from the cold rain. Seeing our hero, she turned to him for help. She has something happened in the family and she wanted to talk with someone from the heart. The man lost in thought, his eyes appeared before the bath and the bed, he muttered something terribly busy and hurried to the entrance.
The man has lived an unhappy life. And he died.
Gone to heaven, the man met his guardian angel. - You know, I spent quite miserable and worthless life. I had three dreams, but none of them came true. What a pity ... - Hmm ... My friend, I have done everything to make all your dreams come true, but for that you just had to time to shake hands, open your eyes and warm the heart. - What are you? - Do you remember the man who fell on the slippery winter roads? I'm going to show you this picture ... That man was the CEO of the company in which you are so anxious to get there. You waited a dizzying career. All that was required of you - to shake hands.
Remember the old clown who after street performance came to you with questions? It was a beautiful young actress, who fell in love with you at first sight. You waited for the happy future of the children, undying love. All that was required of you - to open his eyes. Do you remember the weeping woman near your porch? It was a rainy evening, it soaked through from the rain and tears ... It was a well-known writer. She was going through a family crisis, and she really needed the emotional support. If you help her warm up in his apartment, he listened and comforted, she would write a book which would tell about the case. The book would have become famous all over the world, and you along with it, as on the front page the author pointed to the name of the one who became the muse of this piece. All that was required of you then - only a small spark in your heart. You were not paying attention, my friend.
The man sighed and walked on the moon in the starry expanse track ...
Moral: listen to the world, it offers opportunities. And the help should not only be able to request and accept with dignity ...