Thought vibrations:
The vibrations of thought define the color emitted by you
energy, and the nature of the mind depends on their shape.
The person sending in the world thought of greed and envy, radiates a brownish-green color (hence the saying "green with anger»).
Anger or rage dark clouds create energy dirty red ragged edges that resemble the sharp blades or arrowheads.
But if you radiate into the world the sincere feeling of unconditional love to any specific person, it is immediately transmitted to it and forms a protective shield around him.
Thoughts of faith, devotion and intense love directed upwards and form a beautiful pattern of light and color containing all shades of Rays with all the qualities of piety.
We, the inhabitants of the higher realms, we see and feel, and absorb these blessed gifts from you, dear. Be aware of this and remember that no thought or prayer, made with love, never go unnoticed or be in vain.
(from the book "Golden Promise")