All displays harmful Fig. The secret of Tibetan lamas.

Take the usual rice, many tablespoons of how old you are.
Wash out, zasyplem in a jar, fill it with warm boiled water, close the lid and put in the fridge.
In the morning the water merge, take 1 tablespoon with the top of the rice, cook it for 3-4 minutes without salt and eat on an empty stomach in the morning until half past seven.
The remaining rice again fill it with boiling water and place in refrigerator.
And so does every morning, until the rice is finished.
Secret method is that the rice grain has a crystalline structure. When we soaked grains, we remove the starch out of him, and appear on a seed cell.
Rice cereal is not digested in the stomach and in the gut, grains act as adsorbent.
After treatment you will become not only healthier, but younger.
One condition: after breakfast, rice, it is desirable not to eat or drink for at least 3 hours. After such food goes from the waist pain, neck crunching stops.