Cleansing the body. Method of Indian yogis.
Uddiyana Bandha Kriya - great cleansing exercise is very popular among lovers of Indian yoga.
It prevents many diseases, stimulates the activity of all the organs of the abdomen and pelvis, eliminates stagnation. Its basic movements - drawing and releasing the abdomen.
People with too much weight can successfully carry out this exercise. Even if it seems that the stomach is fixed, reducing the inner muscles still provide the stimulation of the internal organs.
Perform this exercise normalizes the digestive system, helping to actively eliminate waste, calms the mind and stimulates the circulation of blood in the abdomen and pelvis that relieves ulcers, gastritis, colitis, women's diseases, hemorrhoids, prostate, liver, kidney, gall bladder and pancreas, bladder.
To begin this exercise you need to perform only on an empty stomach 2-3 times a day, one hour before each meal. Pay regular classes for 3-5 minutes.
1. Starting position - standing, legs spread shoulder width apart.
2. Now bend your knees and lean on. When the fingers bend inward, and keep your back straight. For specific sustainability legs slightly bent at the knees.
3. Then exhale through the mouth, leaning forward slightly, and quickly return to the starting position, plunging the stomach as hard as possible. To avoid coughing, pulling the stomach, lower chin on his chest.
4. Hold your breath after exhaling and quickly relax the stomach.
5. Then again gather in the stomach and release it immediately. Continue to do this hold your breath for as long as it will not want to breathe.
6. Breathe in slowly. Perform 2-3 deep breaths.
7. Try to complete the exercise from 3 to 10 times. Remember that it is impossible to engage through the power of healing and cleansing procedures. In the absence of training, many can make a couple of breaths. Indian yogis perform easily 150-200 retraction on each breath-hold.
Attention! This exercise is prohibited in acute inflammatory diseases of the stomach, internal bleeding, stomach ulcers and duodenal ulcers.