6 secrets to a delicious festive duck with apples

duck with apples - a traditional Christmas and New Year dish hearty and very useful. Her presence on the holiday table means peace, prosperity and family well-being.
Website has prepared a few secrets, which are guaranteed to get the duck delicious and appetizing.
The Secret 1: Competent defrosting h3> To prepare the classic duck with apples is best suited bird weighing 2-2, 3 kg - it has a lot of meat, and it is not too greasy. Optimally, if you managed to buy a chilled carcass - it will not be any problems. But the frozen duck, too perfect, the main thing - the right to unfreeze it.
For this purpose, a few hours to move it out of the freezer in the refrigerator and then continue defrosting at room temperature until completely thawed. It is better not to use the defrost cold water or microwave oven, otherwise the meat will lose their flavor and become dry and tough.
The Secret 2: Proper handling h3> As a rule, in supermarkets and markets are already fully sold ducks plucked. But a closer look at them, you can notice the remaining hairs and feathers from hemp, which must be removed. To do this, hold the bird over the burner start, and then pull out stumps in any suitable pair of tweezers.
If you bought a duck with giblets, be sure to remove them. Also cut from the tail (the duck tail) gland, which gives the dish a distinctive taste unpleasant. Before baking, cut the extreme phalanx have wings and remove them from the breast on the back - so do not obgorite edges of the wings and the bird itself will look neat and aesthetically pleasing.
The Secret 3: Suitable spices h3> Duck meat has quite a specific taste. To compensate for this slight drawback, marinate or rub her carcass spices. From marinades perfect wine, apple cider vinegar, lemon, pomegranate and orange juice.
With duck meat is best combines spices such as ginger, cinnamon, cardamom, star anise, oregano and all kinds of peppers. Mix a small amount of spices in a mortar, mash together with a little salt and let stand to joined flavors. Only then rub evenly with the mixture duck inside and out.
Secret 4: Ideal filling h3> for stuffing a Christmas duck are best recent domestic varieties of apples - they are quite solid and well preserved until the Christmas holidays. An important caveat: Choose apples with tangible acidity - not only do they give the meat special taste and aroma, but also because they contain acid contribute to the splitting of the subcutaneous fat.
To darken the apples, sprinkle them with lemon juice, and to give the original flavor and special, a Christmas flavor, sprinkle with salt and cinnamon.
The Secret 5: Masterly stuffing h3> Do not stuffed to the eyeballs stuffed bird to duck in the process of stuffing the skin does not burst. After completion of the stuffing sew carcass coarse thread stitches over the edge of the skin with toothpicks or chipped - it's faster and easier.
For stuffing a Christmas duck can be used not only apples. They can add raisins, pears, apricots, mandarin slices or cinnamon.
The Secret 6: And have patience h3> Duck weight 2, 5 kilos you need to cook about 2, 5-3 hours. At the same time every half hour is necessary to open the oven and water precipitated juice and poultry fat. But in any case it is necessary to periodically check the readiness of the duck, so it does not become too dry. Make it very simple: stick a knife carcass at its thickest point - if you select the juice will be transparent, the duck is ready.
If you want your Christmas duck turned out not too greasy, when baking put it on the "cushion" of apples or rice - they absorb most of the heated with oil. Naturally, as a side dish "cushion" should not be used.
Classical duck with apples h3>
We will need:
1 duck carcass 9 apples 1 teaspoon lemon juice ground black pepper to taste bay leaf to taste cinnamon to taste Nut nutmeg to taste salt to taste Preparation:
Rinse the duck carcass and blot with paper towel. Rub the carcass with salt and pepper or other spices to taste. Place the duck into 3-4 apples, cinnamon, nutmeg and bay leaf. Put the carcass in a baking dish and sprinkle with lemon juice on top. Preheat oven to 220 degrees and put the shape of a duck. Within an hour bake duck, occasionally taking the form of duck fat and water, heated with meat. After an hour, reduce the oven temperature to 160 degrees and place it in the form of a duck with the remaining apples, pour them heated with duck fat, and bake another 20 minutes or until tender.
Here are a few recipes for the holidays:
The recipe for a delicious Christmas Stolle
6 original salads to the New Year's table
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