Mandarin duck

Mandarin, I think - the most beautiful duck on the ground. Mandarin nicknamed for their bright feathers - China's mandarins called noble beautifully dressed velmozh.

Mandarin - little duck weight of 0, 4 and 0, 7 kg. Breeding plumage the male Mandarin is clearly distinguished from other ducks very colorful plumage color. In fact, this is very unusual duck vid.

Particularly impressive look drakes. Throughout most of the year - from September to July, these ducks are wedding attire. On the head and neck long feathers form a large crest and distinctive "whisker", so the head of the male side looks pretty big. And the last wing feather crowns wide orange fan, which, when folded the wings rises skyward. Two of these are formed on the back of the pen in haratkternoe "saddle". The color intertwined green, purple, orange red, white and brown tsveta.

Mandarin red beak and orange legs. Females seem more graceful drakes, but they have no feathers in bright colors: olive-brown back, head ash-gray, almost white belly. On his head is a small hoholok.

From semeytsva mandarin duck highlights not only bright appearance. They have a completely different voice, not quacks, like the others, but rather cheep and quiet svistyaschiy.

Only one of the ducks, they live in trees, and their hollows may be located at a height of over 6 meters. On the one hand, it seems very inconvenient for juveniles, which, like all the ducklings, just born, trying to learn how to swim. However, the chicks jump from a great height, and thus remain intact. At the command of the mother they dive out of the hollow and land using have not yet developed wings and webbed feet to pause padenie.

Frog as well as acorns - a favorite delicacy of mandarin. Of course, there are plenty of diet "food" from the seeds of plants, fish, salamander, etc., but the first two are key. To eat acorns, Mandarin sit on the oaks, as well as pick them up on the slopes of hills or water. Flight from this duck is very fast and agile: with the land and water they rise equally free and practically vertikalno.

At the present time, mandarin duck nesting in Russia are concentrated in the Amur and Sakhalin reg. In Khabarovsk and Primorsky regions, usually in the Amur River basin. The northernmost point of nesting on the eastern slopes of the Sikhote-Alin - River Botchi.

In the southern part of the distribution area covers all Primorye, except for areas where there are no forests. On Sakhalin, the duck lives in the southern and central regions. Outside Russia is also found in Japan, China, Taiwan and Korea, and met some individuals even in eastern Mongolia. In the northern territories of mandarin ducks are migratory lifestyle in the south of the area sedentary. In winter, they are moving to Taiwan, South China, as well as Japanese ostrova.

The total population of mandarin ducks all over the world barely exceeds 25 thousand pairs of them in Russia there are no more than 15 thousand pairs. They are listed in the Red Book of Russia, these waterfowl hunting is prohibited by law of the Russian Federation. To save mondarinku as a species, all you need to move the start date of the autumn bird hunting in Primorye the end of September, when most of the mandarin has sent in a warm kraya.

Source: mirfactov.com/