What if your holidays are not easy

New Year festive atmosphere, the magic circle of beauty and anticipation of a fun-filled celebration ... But what if fun does not want to? And the mood is not festive?
Blogger Tim Lawrence, visiting more than once in the same situation, I decided to share my thoughts on this subject. We are in the Website think that his advice can really help.
I am on New Year's party. Around gay people, a lot of delicious food and champagne, playing great music.
But I feel miserable. Why?
Because the head is constantly spinning: « I must to be happy, I to be happy».
For many people, New Year's holidays - a great time. Time for rest and meetings with favorite and native people and fun. But this is not all. Some prazniki happens in the mountain, someone all alone, and someone is difficult to reconcile with its shortcomings, when all around seems so perfect.
Why, at this time of year we are faced with many problems. We need to have time to meet with many people (and some do not want to see), you need to buy gifts, spending a lot of money. And while you just shine with happiness.
If you do not have fun, I want to tell you that you are not alone. But do not despair, I will give some tips on how to survive the holidays without much mental effort.
1. When you do not have the mood and you do not want to have fun, do not go to the party. H3> You are not obliged to penetrate the atmosphere of the holiday. Do not try to simply because someone you said so. Moreover, hiding his true mood and pretending to be gay, you make it worse.
Psychologist Iris Mauss conducted a series of studies and to draw some conclusions:
The more effort we make to feel happier, the more unhappy and lonely feel myself. Trying to be happier just by wealth holidays, you run the risk of falling into depression and worsen relationships with family and friends.
2. If you are sad, you realize that it is completely natural. H3> In some people, the holiday season may be due to some misfortune. This can be a painful break with a loved one or, unfortunately, even the death of loved ones. Do not be ashamed of their feelings, and if you are surrounded by loving people, they need to take your pain.
3. You are alone in this time of year? Muster the courage to invite someone to a meeting. H3> Perhaps all you want - it's just to be alone and see no one. It seems that at this time all of these "ideal": going to the families or groups of friends, and you would like is not among them places.
Reach out to someone who means something to you. Let this be the same person. Maybe it's an old friend with whom you fucking rarely Think? Or someone who supported you in difficult times and always been on your side? Invite someone to a meeting.
4. If you do not spend time with someone, do not be afraid to make an informed choice, and to be alone. H3> Spending time with yourself is very helpful. You can better understand themselves and their own emotions, and do not think that loneliness - it's bad
According to the materials: Upworthy
Translation and adaptation of the Website
Illustrated on preview: Ela Jarzabek
via www.advocate-art.com/artists.illustrator/artist.ela-jarzabek
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