"Woman - special sea"

woman is always a little bit like the sea.
The sea is something a woman barely.
There are waves somewhere in the closet,
hidden in a skinny chest.
This wave of feelings or hunches.
As if the abyss fatal
curls prichesochka prichudnoy
gulls cry over his head.
A woman from the vulgar spots fatty
storm clears itself,
and under the skin of defenseless veins
boil thundering storm.
There, at the bottom of memory, hidden
so many wrecks - even cry,
and hope - rainbow fish - get back on hooks.
The woman, like the sea, so appealing,
but men like ships,
Only the top soul hurt - they neglected depth.
The woman, like the sea, the sky praying,
If calm, to send anything.
The woman - a special sea,
what can drown in the sea.
Author: Yevgeny Yevtushenko
Photos in the preview: rachela
via www.flickr.com/photos/rahkela/