20 photographs in which the boiling point is already passed
Everyone has a limit, beyond which patience just ended. Do you hear ?! Even! Already! The upshot !!! Website Friday offers a selection of funny pictures, in which the boiling point is irrevocably passed ...
So buy a copy machine, and start doing! h3>
I want to play with you in one game !!! h3>
When the work got - solitaire h3>
Children constantly asleep, there is something wrong! It is necessary to call! H3>
I ROSNO! It's here? H3>
When even the cat has got everything ... Did not Friday? h3>
Well, start to sell them, if such a stable demand! h3>
Completely? No? At all? Knock that you ... h3>
Pei prozapas h3>
Short and sweet h3>
And why it is so necessary? h3>
Warning! h3>
Che, straight does not know? h3>
How could you, Olga? h3>
And so I ... h3>
Oh, you're heartless snake, Yandex! h3>
The most severe Orthodox kiosk h3>
Shovel-klats klats? h3>
I wonder only that raccoons can do this? h3>
Yes, I just slice! h3>
Already got! I go for a ride! H3>
So buy a copy machine, and start doing! h3>
I want to play with you in one game !!! h3>
When the work got - solitaire h3>
Children constantly asleep, there is something wrong! It is necessary to call! H3>
I ROSNO! It's here? H3>
When even the cat has got everything ... Did not Friday? h3>
Well, start to sell them, if such a stable demand! h3>
Completely? No? At all? Knock that you ... h3>
Pei prozapas h3>
Short and sweet h3>
And why it is so necessary? h3>
Warning! h3>
Che, straight does not know? h3>
How could you, Olga? h3>
And so I ... h3>
Oh, you're heartless snake, Yandex! h3>
The most severe Orthodox kiosk h3>
Shovel-klats klats? h3>
I wonder only that raccoons can do this? h3>
Yes, I just slice! h3>
Already got! I go for a ride! H3>
via fishki.net/1761266-budesh-gadit---pristrelju-ili-kogda-tochka-kipenija-projdena.html
36 facts that I have learned in 36 years of marriage
Five facts about Russia from the Germans, who lived with us a year