Five facts about Russia from the Germans, who lived with us a year
Thomas Brendler has visited 60 countries. In Russia, he was the first time in 2003 as part of a business trip to AVTOVAZ. Since coming to Togliatti several times a year is not at work, and to visit his Russian druzey.Na last week, Mr. Brendler shared his thoughts on friendship, he spoke about what it has taught life in Russia, and what impressions left "Zhigulevskaya Around the World. " Website article published unabridged.
The first impression h2> When 12 years ago I was told that I should go to Russia, I was very excited. Now I understand, Russia - it is a European country, but then it was for me exotic. I remember at the airport Kurumoch customs saw my laptop and questioned for a long time, what kind of equipment and why I need it.
Russian not very punctual h2> The next day, at nine o'clock in the morning I had a business meeting at AvtoVAZ. At first, it was moved to 11.00, then at 14.00, as a result of the negotiating table, we got only 16.00. For me, this was a very unusual situation in Europe, so things are not done.
«Zhigulevskaya circumnavigation» h2>
Sad Song h2> I also drew attention to the fact that the songs are usually sung Russian campfire, very sad. They like me, and in an appropriate atmosphere of the performance sounds pretty exciting. But they are worthless when the soul needs a holiday! Therefore, every time in the campaign I asked to perform "www.leningrad.spb.ru." I do not understand the meaning of the text, but it sounds energetic and fun.
Our friends h2> If we compare Russia with the European countries, the key difference - the difference in the mentality of people. At first glance, in your country, everything looks unfriendly, but after the "Around the World" I understand that you are very open, between people is so close and cordial relationship, which is difficult to find anywhere else in the world. The Russian friends - is the family you choose for yourself. You can not each other over the years to see, but at the same time maintain a close relationship. In Europe, this is difficult to imagine. We are friendly with everyone and always, but for us the friendship - it's just time together. If the communication there was a long pause, then, most likely, the European one will simply find you a replacement.