Her kid will not know it, because she left to live just a few weeks ...
27-seven-year old Luis Cook from England is happy with her second husband and three children: 6-year-old Samer, 4-year-old Mason and newly born baby Chloe. The latter, as it may be, will never know his mother, because Luis live only a few weeks.
She was two months pregnant when doctors shocked her fatal diagnosis of skin cancer. The disease has already struck by light, spreading rapidly throughout the body. Doctors did not think she would live a few more months. The cause of cancer - regular visits to the solarium. Four years ago, Louis divorced her husband, then a young confident woman is no longer believed in themselves. Mother of three children decided to go to the solarium, believing that dark skin make it more attractive. Louis hoped somehow to please herself. But the price was too high.
"I never thought that the solarium can be so dangerous - says 27-year-old girl. - I was young and naive, and that cry for his life. I'll never see as my kids grow up. " Upon learning of his diagnosis, Louis did not stop crying, "When there are no more tears, I asked what I could do to live as long as possible for the sake of their children».
Doctors advised to terminate the pregnancy, to which the girl replied: "If I die, it does not mean that my baby should not be born. She will live. Every life is precious. " Little Chloe, fortunately, was born perfectly healthy. Cancer meanwhile nearly struck Luis brain.
"I tried to explain to their children that the mother will soon become an angel, with whom they can always talk to mind" - says Luis. She had planned her own funeral, leaving the children with two boxes of memorabilia. "I have a wonderful family, wonderful friends. They help me to believe that my memory will never leave my children ».
Countdown the days went on, and Luis decides to leave the world a very important message: "I am afraid that many men and women can repeat my mistake - put your health at risk. I do not want to over-caution, I just want to help, to explain. If you really want to be a dark, use the cream. Do not risk your life ».
Luis heart breaking not of imminent death, and the fact that her children will grow up without her. To live this young mother only a few days. Spread her last message around the world. Perhaps it is still time to save the life of someone else.
: G8ozd.ru

She was two months pregnant when doctors shocked her fatal diagnosis of skin cancer. The disease has already struck by light, spreading rapidly throughout the body. Doctors did not think she would live a few more months. The cause of cancer - regular visits to the solarium. Four years ago, Louis divorced her husband, then a young confident woman is no longer believed in themselves. Mother of three children decided to go to the solarium, believing that dark skin make it more attractive. Louis hoped somehow to please herself. But the price was too high.

"I never thought that the solarium can be so dangerous - says 27-year-old girl. - I was young and naive, and that cry for his life. I'll never see as my kids grow up. " Upon learning of his diagnosis, Louis did not stop crying, "When there are no more tears, I asked what I could do to live as long as possible for the sake of their children».

Doctors advised to terminate the pregnancy, to which the girl replied: "If I die, it does not mean that my baby should not be born. She will live. Every life is precious. " Little Chloe, fortunately, was born perfectly healthy. Cancer meanwhile nearly struck Luis brain.

"I tried to explain to their children that the mother will soon become an angel, with whom they can always talk to mind" - says Luis. She had planned her own funeral, leaving the children with two boxes of memorabilia. "I have a wonderful family, wonderful friends. They help me to believe that my memory will never leave my children ».

Countdown the days went on, and Luis decides to leave the world a very important message: "I am afraid that many men and women can repeat my mistake - put your health at risk. I do not want to over-caution, I just want to help, to explain. If you really want to be a dark, use the cream. Do not risk your life ».

Luis heart breaking not of imminent death, and the fact that her children will grow up without her. To live this young mother only a few days. Spread her last message around the world. Perhaps it is still time to save the life of someone else.
: G8ozd.ru
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