The most powerful anti-aging revitalizing detox course of Turkish doctors Saracholu.
Make this healing drink and you will be shocked by the results of the course. The course has several effects:
- Cleansing the body of toxins
- Increase immunity
- The breakdown of fats and weight reduction
- General improvement and rejuvenation of the body
You will feel full of energy and youth passed this course.
The course breaks down fats (especially around the liver), reduces appetite, has a diuretic, anti-viral, anti-fungal properties, allows you to reset a couple of extra kilos, strengthens the immune system, as a brush cleans your body of toxins, it helps to get rid of kidney stones, makes you easy and energetic. Especially the doctor recommends this course of patients with hepatitis B or C. Of course, the course is remarkable effect on your skin - an indicator of our health.
Contraindications - Gastritis.
The course itself:
Passed through a blender 3-4 branches of parsley and two medium cloves of garlic, add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of lemon and water. we need one cup of the liquid, so that the water will add somewhere a little more polstakana.pem all glass before breakfast and before dinner. And so 3 days. Then 3 days doing only the juice from the lemon and parsley, garlic is added. Then again, 3 days with garlic.
A total of 9 days.
Then a couple of weeks rest and then we conduct courses.