Only 1 minute to understand, above what you need to work in your life.

The life of any human being is made up of many different components: family, business, hobby, leisure. It is important to try to strike a balance in all directions. Otherwise, for you it will make life itself.

 - Take a piece of paper and redraw it wheel pictures to this post.
 - Evaluate your progress over the past year in each area on a scale of 1 to 10. Then connect the mark of your success on the circle line.
 - Get your personal "wheel of life", and together with it and understanding what you personally need to pay more attention to, and what - is less.

Do not despair if you have no one scale yet rated 10 points or you have not turned a circle, and gear. This is only the beginning of your new and better life. In addition, you can also on each section of your wheel draw and examined in detail.

Begin this exercise every month. Good changes are not long in coming, and the "wheel of life" spun much faster.