Jade -zelёny doctor.

Few people know that their beneficial properties Crassula, or as it is called - a money tree, the aloe is not inferior.
Due to its volatile characteristics that distinguishes Crassula, she confronts a viral, bacterial and fungal diseases.
It was revealed that when someone gets sick in the house, and then the plant withers, sheds its leaves. But when a person gets better, then the plant is gaining strength.
Juice and pulp of the leaves Jade can be applied to wounds, abscesses, cuts and scrapes - the substances that make up the juice of the plant will contribute to the regeneration processes of the skin and help prevent inflammation.
When you stretch the muscles and ligaments, as well as for bruises, compresses the pulp leaves Jade remove inflammation and have an analgesic effect.
Cure herpes on the lips, you can use all the same juice Jade. Lubricate every 30 minutes lips juice of this plant (make sure that the juice did not get to the oral mucosa).
When angina, tonsillitis and inflammation of the throat can gargle with aqueous Jade juice, which is made from the ratio of juice from 10 leaves of the plant on 1 glass of boiled water. This aqueous solution is necessary to gargle to 5 times a day.
Cure arthritis, reduce inflammation from insect bites, you can use these places lubricate Jade juice several times a day.
Money tree has another name - mozolnik, and, you guessed it, it can be used to heal blisters. To do this, remove the top film Jade leaf and attach to corn leaf pulp, fix it on the leg with plaster and leave overnight.
A similar method can be treated and ingrown nails, and nail fungus.
As for internal use leaf juice Jade and her flesh, then, since this plant has toxic properties and contains arsenic, this should be done with extreme caution and in any case not to take the juice and pulp in a pure form. Only water extracts.
Thus, using such aqueous infusions can cure gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer. Prepare the infusion of the leaves of a plant ratio of 5 to 1 cup of boiling water. The leaves pour boiling water and infuse for 1 hour. Then, this infusion take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day for 15-20 minutes before eating.

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