
Life is full of noise, and the world is too cramped. But struggling with this noise, you will not get rid of him; the only way to get rid of it - totally accept it.
The more you struggle with the noise, the more it will irritate you, because the more you struggle, the more it bothers you. Open up, take it; noise - too component life. And beginning to take it, you will be surprised: it will no longer bother you. Anxiety comes not from the noise; concern comes from our attitude to noise. The noise itself is not worried; worried about the attitude. If you are against noise, it causes concern; if you do not mind him, he does not bother.
In any event, where you can get away from it? Wherever you come, all will inevitably be one or the other noise; the whole world is full of noise. And if you find a cave in the Himalayas, and it will sit, then miss the life. Noise will not, and will not be growth opportunities that life offers, and soon the silence will seem dull and dead.
I'm not telling you to enjoy the silence. Enjoy the silence; but be aware that silence is not against noise. Silence can exist in the noise. In fact, it exists in the noise. Only then it is real silence. The silence that you feel in the Himalayas, not yours; it belongs to the Himalayas. But if you can feel the silence in the middle of the market square, if you can be completely relaxed and at ease, it's yours. Then the Himalayas will be in your heart, and this is true silence!