How to recognize in the crowd of terrorists and what to do

After the Paris tragedy President of the International Association of counter-terrorism training, Joseph Linder, a retired lieutenant colonel of the FSB, the former head of the anti-terrorist unit, Alexander Gusak and a veteran of the "Alpha" Igor Shevchuk spoke with MOSLENTOY how an ordinary person to escape during the attack.
How to calculate in the crowd terrorist? Igor Shevchuk: Be careful not to withdraw into themselves, to pull out the headphones. You need to pay attention at all. No one would go to the Arab garb and shouting: "Now I'll blow you all!" Everyone understands that this conspiracy. Now there is a very active recruiting work, it became clear on the occasion of Varya Karaulova. Optionally, the person presenting the risk will be allocated - it can be a Slavic appearance, usually dressed. It is important to look at the behavior. Closed, tight and inadequate response to a police patrol - note. I once called a man suspected in the subway - I did not hesitate and asked police to check the documents. After all, who are the terrorists? This is not a bunch of stupid villains, and the driving force.
Alexander Gusak: The main object for recruitments - young men, in second place - the so-called "black widows". Young people are recruited because of the romantic mood. Before self-sacrifice, many dressed accordingly, in the right form to meet Allah. But not everyone, of course. Terrorist can not determine, but it will always look strange - unusual demeanor, wearing. It is felt on a subconscious level.
To what car to sit on the subway? Igor Shevchuk: Do not ever sit down in the first and last carriages. In the second, it is desirable, too. Often undermines the train from the head, so it's best to sit in third or fourth, closer to the middle.
How to leave the room if it is taken over by terrorists?

Joseph Linder: It is not always the administrative authorities and the owners of the premises fulfill the requirements of safety. Often closed emergency exits, because our people are trying to get inside without a ticket through the fire input. In Europe, most of the doors are equipped with a system in which you can not enter, you can just quit, so-called sluice doors. This allows you to quickly leave the building in case of danger.
Igor Shevchuk: If you go to an event in the room, just pay attention to how and in what direction the doors open, whether there are emergency exits, can jump out of the window. These little things can be combined in one phrase - be careful.
How to deal with terrorists, if you were taken hostage? Joseph Linder: It all depends on the situation. By the tragic consequences resulting behavior Olga Romanova, the first victims of the terrorist attack on the musical "Nord-Ost '. She tried to convince the terrorists to release the children, eventually killed her. But there have been instances where communication with representatives of the hostages invaders led to mitigate the situation. Much depends on who and how negotiations. Layman is not recommended.
The crowd acts according to its own laws, there is nothing human remains
Alexander Gusak: If you are in this situation, do what you are required to. Do not look into the eyes, it infuriates terrorists. Do not flickers, impertinent. The atmosphere is electric, there is adrenaline. Can not stand the nerves. We must always remember that you save, pull yourself together. Do not try to run away like mad. If escape notice, it will affect the other. Will automatic turn - you will kill and cripple.
How to behave in a crowd? Igor Shevchuk: In the crowd, the most important thing - do not panic and do not succumb to the general hysteria. When movement starts, God forbid, to be in the middle - there you'll be crushed. You must try to go over the edge, pressed into a corner, to embrace a pillar. The crowd acts according to its own laws, nothing human in it remains. And the people who organize terrorist attacks, know about it. When trying to get out, it is important to sort out and understand where the source of danger. If you have children - grab their hands and turn your back to the source of the danger that, if that child is close.
What to do when the assault begins? Alexander Gusak: If went storming - face down, hands behind his head and lie. No hysterics. Commando is - he, too, under the adrenaline, it all boils. Stepped on you - do not pull, say nothing. All over.

Igor Shevchuk: If you understand what will be the assault and can not retire to a more or less safe distance - proceed as taught in school. Legs in the explosion, open your mouth, hold your ears - not to blast broke the eardrums. Go down. Do not cower in any case.
How to escape from bullets and shrapnel wounds? Igor Shevchuk: Shards fly at a certain height, angle. A man lying on the floor, can not simply hook. Hide behind something metal, stone, concrete. If anything like that, again - falling down on his stomach. If you have a child - a child by herself.
If the injured and wounded easy - close this hole, so that the blood does not leak. If heavy - the same
Joseph Linder: Anyone even prepared, did not have time to do if I can not hide or evacuate. It is necessary to take shelter or leave the space in which there is a similar situation. If it is a cafe, restaurant, hiding there. Machine gun fire could flash and the bar, and chairs. It remains to fall to the floor and hope that you will not notice or, in Russian speaking, blow over. They can also protect the body of people who are between you and the epicenter of the explosion.
Do I have to pretend to be dead? Igor Shevchuk: Feign Death appropriate, is an old tactic. She used the Indians at the time when the American invaders massacred the entire population. Naturally, the Indians lost for technical equipment and armament. So they pretended to be dead, and when the second group of soldiers was - to deal with them in the melee. If we understand that you can not get out, or you are injured and can not physically move - you will have to pretend. How to do it - a matter of course for teachers of acting.
What to do when it was over? Alexander Gusak: If there was an explosion, and you are alive - coming to himself, realizing little brains sakkumuliruyte. If the injured and wounded easy - close this hole, so that the blood does not leak. If heavy - same thing. If possible, give the other and expect to call for help.
: Moslenta
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