Psychological properties of the crowd:

Failure to recognize:
Important psychological characteristics of crowds are an unconscious, instinctive and impulsive. If even one person rather poorly amenable promises of intellect, but because most of the actions in life thanks to making emotional, sometimes completely blind impulses, the crowds lives exclusively sense, logic disgusted her. Effective Date unmanaged herd instinct, especially when the situation is extreme, when there is no leader and no one cries constraints word commands. Diverse in each of the individuals - the particle crowd - immersed in a uniform, and prevail unconscious quality. Common qualities of character-driven unconscious, joined together in the crowd. Isolated individual has the ability to suppress unconscious reflexes, while the crowd does not have this ability.
Features of the imagination:
The crowd is highly developed capacity for imagination. The crowd is very receptive to impressions. Images and amaze the crowd, there are always simple and clear. Summoned in the mind of the crowd who in any way, the idea of some event or event in its liveliness almost equal to the real image. Do not the facts themselves the imagination of the crowd, and the way they are presented ey.Esche one very important effect of the crowd - a collective hallucination. In the minds of the people gathered in the crowd, the event undergoing distortion.
Features thinking:
The crowd thinks in images, and the resulting image in her imagination, in turn, causes other that have no logical connection with the first. The crowd does not separate the subjective from the objective. She believes the real image, caused in her mind, and often have only a very distant relationship with her observable fact. The crowd, able to think only the image receptive only to the images.
The crowd does not think or ponder. It adopts or rejects the whole idea. It does not tolerate any disputes or controversies. The arguments are based on the associations of the crowd, but they are bound together only apparent analogy and consistency. The crowd is able to accept only those ideas that are simplified to the extreme. Judgments of the crowd is always imposed on it and are never the result of a thorough discussion.
The crowd never seeks the truth. She turns away from the evidence, which is not like her, and prefers to worship the delusions and illusions, if they seduce her.
For the crowd, not capable of nor device, nor reasoning, there is nothing impossible, but something incredible and affects the whole crowd silnee.V no premeditation. It can consistently go through and go through the whole range of conflicting emotions, but will always be under the influence of excitement. Association of dissimilar ideas that have only apparent relation to each other, and the immediate generalization of particular cases - these are the characteristic features of the reasoning of the crowd. The crowd is constantly subject to the influence of illusions.
High sensitivity:
The feelings and ideas of individuals that make up a whole, referred to the crowd, take the same direction. Born collective soul, which has, however, temporary. The crowd only simple and familiar chuvstva.Razlichnye extreme impulses that obeys the crowd can be, depending on the circumstances (namely, the nature of the excitation), benevolent or evil, heroic or cowardly, but they always are so strong that there is no self-interest, even a sense of self-preservation, they are not able to podavit.V crowd exaggerated sense due to the fact that this very feeling, spreading quickly through suggestion and infection is general acceptance that promotes and greatly increase his feelings sily.Sila crowd even more increases iz for lack of responsibility. Confidence in the impunity (even stronger than a large crowd) and the consciousness of a significant (though temporary) might allow the assembly of the people to exercise such feelings and commit such acts that are simply inconceivable and impossible for an individual cheloveka.Kakimi Whatever the feelings of the crowd, good or bad, their characteristic feature is the one-sidedness. The one-sidedness and exaggeration of the feelings of the crowd led to what she knows neither doubt nor kolebaniy.V his eternal fight against the feeling of mind has never been defeated.
The diffuseness:
Pathogens that act on the crowd obey them, very diverse - this is due to its extreme volatility. Above the well-established beliefs of the crowd is the surface layer of opinions, ideas and thoughts are constantly emerging and disappearing. Opinion crowd nepostoyanno.Otsutstvie clear objectives, lack of or diffuse structure generate the most important property of the crowd - it easily transformed into one species (or subspecies) in the other. Such transformations often occur spontaneously. Knowledge of their typical patterns and mechanisms allows to intentionally manipulate the behavior of the crowd in opportunistic purposes or in order to prevent it from being conscious of extremely dangerous actions.