20 amazing facts that sound like a lie, but actually true
1. Butterfly 12 thousand eyes.
2. During the construction of the Great Pyramids of Egypt, the world still living mammoths.
3. If the room there are 23 people, then a 50% chance the two of them will be a birthday on that day.
4. In kidney transplant patients, in most cases the patient's left kidney and new, third kidney is placed in the iliac fossa, in the abdomen on the front surface of the body.
5. The national animal of Scotland - the unicorn.
6. Mankind landed on the moon before come up with a suitcase on wheels.
7. Saturn and Jupiter rains from diamonds.
8. Saudi Arabia imports of camels in Australia.
9. Nintendo Company was founded in 1889, more than 120 years ago.
10. Neanderthal brain have been more than we do.
11. The pig can not look at the sky.
12. The Norwegian settlement of Longyearbyen is forbidden by law to die. Because permafrost bodies do not decompose and attract predators, including polar bears.
13. In fact, to build the Titanic took $ 7 million. In fact, to remove the film of it - 200 million.
14. Dalmatians are born without spots.
15. The use of swear words in the body helps produce hormones of happiness - endorphins, which act on the body as a painkiller.
16. Laboratory experiments on mice revealed that proves to be capable of laziness inherited.
17. Most people live in the eyelashes Demodex mites that have claws and mouth.
18. Approximately 365 million people worldwide have computers, and half the world's population has never seen or used the phone.
19. Forests are called the lungs of the planet, but about 50% of the oxygen on Earth produces phytoplankton.
20. To date, the surface of Mars was studied better than the Earth's ocean floor.
: Fishki.net

2. During the construction of the Great Pyramids of Egypt, the world still living mammoths.

3. If the room there are 23 people, then a 50% chance the two of them will be a birthday on that day.
4. In kidney transplant patients, in most cases the patient's left kidney and new, third kidney is placed in the iliac fossa, in the abdomen on the front surface of the body.

5. The national animal of Scotland - the unicorn.

6. Mankind landed on the moon before come up with a suitcase on wheels.

7. Saturn and Jupiter rains from diamonds.

8. Saudi Arabia imports of camels in Australia.

9. Nintendo Company was founded in 1889, more than 120 years ago.

10. Neanderthal brain have been more than we do.

11. The pig can not look at the sky.

12. The Norwegian settlement of Longyearbyen is forbidden by law to die. Because permafrost bodies do not decompose and attract predators, including polar bears.

13. In fact, to build the Titanic took $ 7 million. In fact, to remove the film of it - 200 million.

14. Dalmatians are born without spots.

15. The use of swear words in the body helps produce hormones of happiness - endorphins, which act on the body as a painkiller.

16. Laboratory experiments on mice revealed that proves to be capable of laziness inherited.

17. Most people live in the eyelashes Demodex mites that have claws and mouth.

18. Approximately 365 million people worldwide have computers, and half the world's population has never seen or used the phone.

19. Forests are called the lungs of the planet, but about 50% of the oxygen on Earth produces phytoplankton.

20. To date, the surface of Mars was studied better than the Earth's ocean floor.

: Fishki.net
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