15 kinds of amazing people who inhabited the Earth before us
Humanity characterized by two features: a bad memory and overconfidence. In terms of evolution, these qualities give us the advantage in survival.
And perhaps it is these qualities lead to the fact that we forget - we are not the first inhabitants of the earth, and the man was not always like this. Hundreds of thousands of years, kind of "people" inhabit our planet, and its representatives have constantly and imperceptibly changing, adapting to the demands of the environment.
As much as we would like at least one eye to look into the future to see to whom to turn people all these gadgets, appliances, cozy warm house, who never dreamed our ancestors, the endless stress and anxiety of our complex modern world ... What they will be - people of the future? Unknown. But we know what they were!
Website to view a selection of offers reconstructions of appearance of different species of extinct humans. In this list of a half dozen - so much known to science at the moment.
Homo habilis / Homo habilis h3> The first representative of the genus Homo. Lived 2, 6-2, 5 million years ago.
Homo Rudolfensis / Homo rudolfensis h3> Type of people representing (according to the traditional view), a transitional stage from Homo habilis to erectus. Lived 2, 0-1, 78 million years ago.
The man works / Homo ergaster h3> Fossilized kind of people appeared in Africa 1, 8 million years ago, as a result of the evolution of Homo habilis or Homo rudolfensis.
Homo erectus / Homo erectus h3> Fossilized kind of people who are considered as the direct ancestor of modern humans.
Homo floresiensis / Homo floresiensis h3> Miniature fossil species of people. Also referred to as "The Hobbit" by analogy with the creatures invented by John. R. R. Tolkien.
Man precursor / Homo antecessor h3> Fossilized kind of people that existed in the period of 1, 2 million up to 800 thousand. years ago. Homo antecessor is the oldest hominid Europe.
Homo erectus / Homo heidelbergensis h3> The European species of Homo erectus, found in Europe 800-345 thousand. years ago.
Rhodesian man / Homo rhodesiensis h3>
The man from Ceprano / Homo cepranensis h3> The most likely age of the "man of Ceprano" - 450 000 years.
Georgian man / Homo georgicus h3> The shape of hominids, whose remains were found in Georgia.
denisovan h3> 40 more thousand years ago denisovtsy inhabited area, intersect in time and place with territories in Asia, where they lived Neanderthals and modern humans.
Neanderthal / Homo neanderthalensis h3> The last Neanderthals lived 25-30 thousand years ago.
Cro-Magnons h3> appeared much later and Neanderthals co-existed for some time with them (40-30 thousand years ago).
oldest Homo sapiens / Homo sapiens idaltu h3> The approximate age of the finds - from 154 to 160 thousand. years.
And perhaps it is these qualities lead to the fact that we forget - we are not the first inhabitants of the earth, and the man was not always like this. Hundreds of thousands of years, kind of "people" inhabit our planet, and its representatives have constantly and imperceptibly changing, adapting to the demands of the environment.
As much as we would like at least one eye to look into the future to see to whom to turn people all these gadgets, appliances, cozy warm house, who never dreamed our ancestors, the endless stress and anxiety of our complex modern world ... What they will be - people of the future? Unknown. But we know what they were!
Website to view a selection of offers reconstructions of appearance of different species of extinct humans. In this list of a half dozen - so much known to science at the moment.
Homo habilis / Homo habilis h3> The first representative of the genus Homo. Lived 2, 6-2, 5 million years ago.
Homo Rudolfensis / Homo rudolfensis h3> Type of people representing (according to the traditional view), a transitional stage from Homo habilis to erectus. Lived 2, 0-1, 78 million years ago.
The man works / Homo ergaster h3> Fossilized kind of people appeared in Africa 1, 8 million years ago, as a result of the evolution of Homo habilis or Homo rudolfensis.
Homo erectus / Homo erectus h3> Fossilized kind of people who are considered as the direct ancestor of modern humans.
Homo floresiensis / Homo floresiensis h3> Miniature fossil species of people. Also referred to as "The Hobbit" by analogy with the creatures invented by John. R. R. Tolkien.
Man precursor / Homo antecessor h3> Fossilized kind of people that existed in the period of 1, 2 million up to 800 thousand. years ago. Homo antecessor is the oldest hominid Europe.
Homo erectus / Homo heidelbergensis h3> The European species of Homo erectus, found in Europe 800-345 thousand. years ago.
Rhodesian man / Homo rhodesiensis h3>
The man from Ceprano / Homo cepranensis h3> The most likely age of the "man of Ceprano" - 450 000 years.
Georgian man / Homo georgicus h3> The shape of hominids, whose remains were found in Georgia.
denisovan h3> 40 more thousand years ago denisovtsy inhabited area, intersect in time and place with territories in Asia, where they lived Neanderthals and modern humans.
Neanderthal / Homo neanderthalensis h3> The last Neanderthals lived 25-30 thousand years ago.
Cro-Magnons h3> appeared much later and Neanderthals co-existed for some time with them (40-30 thousand years ago).
oldest Homo sapiens / Homo sapiens idaltu h3> The approximate age of the finds - from 154 to 160 thousand. years.
via factroom.ru
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