Seven stunning film about real love stories
There is a saying: "Love is like a movie." But sometimes the best inspiration for filmmakers who shoot of love is life. She is able to do incredible love stories that you want - not invented specifically. And then they become the basis for a great movie.
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Eat Pray Love / Eat Pray Love h2>
50 First Dates / 50 First Dates h2>
The White Masai / Die Weisse Massai h2>
Realm of the Senses / Ai no korîda h2>
Butterflies h2>
Winter Cherry h2>
The Oath / The Vow h2>
Website is brought to you these pictures. They are watching and reviewing because it - now.
Eat Pray Love / Eat Pray Love h2>
The film: A successful writer Elizabeth suddenly realizes that he lives not as she wants. The woman decides to leave everything and go traveling around the world to find herself. In Italy, she is betrayed gastronomic excesses, India is trying to get back on the spiritual path. And finally, she meets in Bali true love.
in life: The film is based on the autobiographical book by Elizabeth Gilbert. The work is very personal, and the novel, Elizabeth and Jose (in the movie his name is Felipe) is shown on the screen exactly as it developed in life. However, in the final picture lovers decided never to tie the knot, and in the life of a couple is still married. To do this they made the case: Jose on the way detained at the border and deported from the United States.
Now Elizabeth and Jose live in New Jersey, their own shop "Two buttons," where they sell souvenirs from Asia. Elizabeth continues to write books.
50 First Dates / 50 First Dates h2>
The film: The main characters - charming blonde Lucy Whitmore and heartthrob Henry Roth. He was fed up with the girl, which is already on the second date it becomes boring. That is why it has attracted Lucy with which every meeting as the first. The fact that the girl because of an accident and suffers amnesia every morning forgetting all that was yesterday. Henry is not going to give up - it records the key moments in the life of the tape to every morning Lucy begins with a study of their shared history.
in life: Prototype Lucy - American Michelle Philpotts, who suffers from a rare form of amnesia: after a few accidents while stopped for her, and for 21 years she lived in 1994. Beloved husband every morning, she proves that they are spouses, reinforcing his words with pictures from the family album, and memos with the most important events of their lives. The difference with the film only in the fact that in life the couple had known before the accident, and although his wife would not have every day to win the love of his wife.
The White Masai / Die Weisse Massai h2>
The film: on holiday in Kenya, Carola falls in love with the beautiful dark-skinned Lemaliana. She decides to quit his measured European life and settle down with the favorite in the Kenyan wilderness. The woman is not easy to get along with the natives, whose morals seem to her wild. Carol gives birth to the child, but even this can not keep her beside her husband. After many years she exhausted his jealousy and wild life, nevertheless decides to go home.
in life: The basis for this film served as a story of Corinne Hofmann, described it in the book of the same name. His Kenyan love - Lketinga Leparmoriyo - Corinne met in 1986 during a trip to Kenya in the company of her boyfriend. The woman threw the groom, sold its Swiss business and married a black lover in 1988. She had to go through a lot of problems: ill with dangerous diseases, to find a common language with her husband interfered with the difference of cultures, Lketinga was jealous and often hinted that he doubted his fatherhood. The woman loved her husband, but after a few years of torture decided to return home.
Realm of the Senses / Ai no korîda h2>
The film: deep and shocking film tells about the all-consuming passion that goes out of control. The rich tradesman and his servant sink into the abyss of passion deeper and deeper - stop to eat and drink, forget about the families. In search of new forms of union and pleasure woman strangling her lover. But history has a tragic finale for both lovers: a woman is crazy, man gets longer.
in life: As strange as it may seem, this story, it is almost in the details copied from life. Crazy story Gardens Abe in Japan caused a lot of noise about it spoke and wrote. In 1936, she said, "not to share with other women beloved" really committed a crime, which has fallen victim himself beloved Abe Gardens. Their first date was delayed for four days, during which the couple did not leave the bed. Garden Abe was sentenced to 6 years in prison.
Butterflies h2>
The film: The love story of a schoolgirl and Ali Pasha's soldiers deployed in the spring of 1986 against the backdrop of the Chernobyl accident. They fall in love at first sight and decide to be together, no matter how life has developed. But Paul gets serious dose of radiation while working on the liquidation of the accident. The boy runs away from the hospital to see the favorite, and the guys spend all day in a deserted city alone, intoxicated with their feelings. They fly like moths, toward each other, oblivious to death around.
in life: Celebrities Ali Pasha are collective - the director based his multiple love stories that were broken due to the Chernobyl disaster. Main Line - tragic story of Vasily Ignatenko firefighter and his wife Ludmila. Vasily worked in post-disaster and received a large dose of radiation. His wife risked her life and caring for loved ones doomed to last, despite the fact that doctors categorically forbidden her even closer to him.
Winter Cherry h2>
The film: Sweet and intelligent Olga one son. She loved, but the problem is that she is married to another man, and can not muster the strength to break the marriage. She tries to somehow organize life, literally forces himself to accept the proposal of the secured boyfriend and went with him to Moscow. At that time, her love Vadim realizes that he has lost, going after Olga and returns it back. But even then, nothing has changed - it is still unable to take the plunge.
in life: Prototypes Vadim and Olga became screenwriter Vladimir Valutskiy and actress Nadezhda Repina. Their secret affair lasted 14 years. Lovers met in Yalta, at the time, both were married. Repin divorced her husband, but Valutskiy leave the family did not. He promised to divorce when Hope appeared dangerous to their fellow-Italian alliance, but did not keep his word.
The Oath / The Vow h2>
The film: Paige and Leo celebrate the fourth anniversary of marriage. Couple gets into a car accident, and she falls into a coma. Her return to a life marred by the loss - she does not know and does not remember a loved one about their romance. And then again, Leo decides to win the heart of Paige.
in life: prototypes Paige and Leo - screams and Kim Carpenter. Amnesia after the accident has erased the last fifteen years of his life Creek - is the time when they met and married. Kim did not give up and was next to his beloved, even when her eyes did not see the heat, which was full of himself. After a while, screams really fell in love with her husband again. Later, Kim Carpenter wrote a book called "The Oath", by which the film was made.
via www.adme.ru/tvorchestvo-kino/7-potryasayuschih-filmov-o-realnyh-istoriyah-lyubvi-1090860/
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