Circuit Training FOR fat burning. Examples of programs.

One of the standard methods of training in the fat loss is the use of circular training. Basic principles and example of the training program are set out below.
Circuit training workout involve the whole body in one workout. Use an exercise in group 1, predominantly basic, first performed severe polyarticular movement, are working on large muscle groups (legs, back, chest), behind them - the exercises are working on smaller groups (delta arm muscles). Circle - a complete set of exercises vyppolnyaetsya 1 to 3-4 times, depending on the degree of preparedness. Thus, all the muscle groups worked out 3 times a week (if tested exercise three times a week).
Since the purpose is fat burning workout, rest between exercises is provided, after the one you need to go directly to the next. The number of repetitions - 12-20. This is done in order to maintain an increased heart rate and enable the work of the IIM, the fuel for which are the fatty acids. The program is made with the following features - the exercises should be selected primarily polyarticular, with the exercise on a simulator or a free weight depends more on the degree of preparedness (some recommend doing exercises with free weights, others - only in the gym). Work is carried out in the "pampas", ie many repetitions, the weight is enough to fatigue the muscles in the specified number of repetitions, but failures are excluded. Exercise amount - typically in the region of 6-8. Rest possible between the circles in front of each new. On average exercise on this program you must go about 1 hour. The pace of implementation of such support to pulse at a higher level. Usually different days using different exercises on the same group for the full elaboration of a body for a week.
Here is an example of circuit training program, depending on the day of the week. The exercises performed in the gym, can be replaced by exercises with free weights with a good degree of preparedness. Women with little experience can exclude classes 1-2 exercises for small groups of hands to simplify the program, because in the first polyarticular exercises these groups still receive the load.
TRAINING 1. Monday.
* Traction lower block 1 approach of 12-15 repetitions (1x12-15)
* Bench press on the flat bench or bench in the simulator 1x12-15
* Leg Press 1x12-15
* Bending of feet lying one approach for 12-15 reps (1x12-15)
* Bench sitting in the simulator 1x12-15
* Curls stamped rod 1x12-15
* Extension of the upper hand with the handle on top of the block grip 1x12-15
* Twisting the trunk with the top unit 1x12-15
2. TRAINING Wednesday.
* Pulldown exercise for breast 1x12-15
* Inclined bench in the simulator or dumbbell bench press on an incline bench 1 approach 12-15 repetitions (1x12-15)
* Squats on his shoulders in the Smith machine 1x12-15
* Link on straight legs 1x12-15
* The shoulder broaching front bar or the lower block 1x12-15
* Curls with dumbbells grip hammer 1x12-15
* Dips in gravitrone or simulator 1x12-15
* Upgrades knee-ups or vise 1 approach the maximum (Max 1x)
3. TRAINING Friday.
* Pull-ups (with the help of a partner or gravitrona if necessary *) 1x12-15
* Bench barbell with chest sitting in the Smith machine 1x12-15
* Leg press Sitting 1 approach 12-15 repetitions (1x12-15)
* Hyperextensions 1x12-15
* Breeding dumbbells, lying on an incline bench (face down) 1x12-15
* Alternating curls with dumbbells 1x12-15
* French press 1x12-15
* Lifts the body on an incline bench 1 approach the maximum (Max 1x)
And remember that without observing proper diet, no fat burning programs are not working.