Top 6 Tips for perfect skin.

1. Bath and sauna. The benefits of this procedure, because of which the improvement of blood circulation, removing toxins, accelerate metabolism, removing dead skin cells, you can claim up to infinity. To skin remains youthful, supple and elastic, it happens in a sauna as often as possible, for example, once a week.
2. Douches. Soul, with great confidence, can be attributed almost all the advantages of baths and saunas.
Shower gel. Preferring to ordinary soap, many ignore the special cosmetics for the soul. And in vain, as usual soap takes away the protective layer of the skin, degreasing and dry it. Currently, the stores have a vast range of tools, for example - soap, lotion or gel, the most important properties are converted, as the cleaning of the skin, and the caring gentle care.
3. Oil. Oil reimburses the deficit of moisture in the skin and keeps it there. Oil is both liquid and dry, but the second option does not leave marks on clothing is preferred.
Cotton or Thermal underwear. The use of synthetic underwear can threaten skin itching, irritation or even allergies, and it upsets the exchange of heat, keeping the sweat and preventing skin respiration.
4. Solar baths and fresh air. Our skin is like all living organisms on Earth needs the sun, that is, in the ultraviolet. Nothing pleases the first tan, which is important not to overdo it and do not burn in the sun. Ultraviolet nourishes our body through the skin and gives us much-needed health and beauty vitamin D. The fresh air strengthens the vitality of the body, helps us to be on our toes and makes the skin healthy and elastic.
5. Massage the skin. Any of us have heard about the miraculous properties of massage. Our body and any part of it is open for both relaxing and tonic massage, because he and the other improves circulation, which leads to regeneration and rejuvenation, not only muscles, but also the skin.
6. Exercise. There is an acceleration of metabolic processes in cells that gives skin its elasticity. Ladies' body is not an accordion - lose weight, and then potolsteyu. It is very important to control their weight, because of the sharp "weight loss" and "potolstenie" primarily affected kozha.Krome of any activity is a healthy flow of oxygen required for the skin.