AS "calculate" their friends and enemies

Perhaps you are familiar with the Zoroastrian calendar, which is built on tridtsatidvuhletnego handling of Saturn around the sun. In fact, Avesta horoscope allows you not only to make predictions: a holistic system, which incorporates many meanings!
Today we offer you an original system of "relationship" Zoroastrian totems designed Kremlin astrologer Vadim Levin. It will help not only to understand the relationships with loved ones, but also properly "orient" in the team, or if you are a manager, - build it correctly.
Zoroastrian horoscope gives the opportunity to determine how to best and worst of our partners. The criterion is simple: the age difference. Knowing it, we can safely predict the development of relations.
Since the calendar is built on the cycle of Saturn, is the number of Saturn formed the basis of calculation of the relationship. Saturn corresponds to eight. There are several systems astronumerologicheskih. In this case, the Egyptian used: unit - Sun, deuce - Moon trio - Jupiter Quartet - Uranus Five - Mercury, six - Venus, a seven - Neptune, eight - Saturn, nine - Mars.
Now, dividing and multiplying eight, we get four and sixteen. The best partners are separated from us sixteen years: that "brothers».
The difference is eight years old is treated as "cousins", four years - "second cousins».
"Brothers second cousins" - that is, not for life, Casual. After four matches Uranus, the planet changes.
Astrological "brother" much closer blood that regardless of differences in education, origin, nationality, it is - your significant other. You have a relationship with him complementarity.
••• So, how do the calculation relations?
It is important to remember that the Zoroastrian year starts on March 21 at dawn. A person born before this number corresponds to the totem of the previous year. Account being from zero to sixteen. If the tear is more - twenty-one, for example, that of the thirty-two and twenty-one should be deducted - will turn eleven. These eleven and should take into account, be considered a true difference in years. If more than thirty-two - say, thirty-five, then you have taken away from them, thirty-two - you get three.
Next "point" - and sixty-four, it is useful if the gap is very large. So, Pushkin Derzhavin was the difference in the fifty-six years. Subtracted from sixty-four and fifty-six - get eight: ie Derzhavin Pushkin was a "cousin." Because he heard it on the exam at the Lyceum. There is little to recognize the quality of work, a person must feel that his style, manner, the voice you were 'family ».
And if the age difference - fifteen and a half?
Half do not exist: it is important that both were born after March 21. If one was born twentieth formally difference sixteen years, and in fact - seventeen.
••• And who are our enemies?
This astrological opposites. They are attached to a three and correspond to Jupiter, the planet lucky, but Saturn hostile. As a "brotherhood" is enhanced by four to sixteen, and the growing hostility: a three-six-nine. The difference in the three years - "small enemies." For example, Akhmatova and Gumilev: ten times courted, married, and still do not get along. Six - "mature enemies." And nine years - a "sworn enemies": Nine associated with Mars.
There are also "mystical enemies" - they are separated from us by fourteen years. This enemy can not see, he's brother, and eventually turns out to be worse than the enemy. And you feel the enemy, at the first sign of a thunderstorm begins to "slow down", and here you get the full program!
Sometimes "hostile" the difference is "brotherly." And what else? The rest of the people we fit in one way or another - looking for something. The difference in the zero years, people of our age, this relationship - the swamp. Beautiful, bright green and water lilies, but it can not shake. You can marry, but to live a routine without changes.
The difference in the year. The unit corresponds to the sun, while the sun rising every green - and a salad, and dollars. If such a difference can successfully make money and friends to marry: 90 percent of surviving marriages - this gap. The wife may be over a year: Vishnevskaya - Rostropovich. Moreover, Aries Rostropovich, Vishnevskaya - Scorpio: a seemingly nothing in common. But a year holds more of the zodiac. This alliance, however, can not be special passion, but strong feelings of companionship.
A love relationship - it is the difference in two years, when the moon. Such marriages are exotic: no children, no life, but the soul sings! In such an alliance is possible overall growth, we can deal with spirituality, self-knowledge, but not the commercial activity: the Moon does not patronize the business.
Five matches Mercury supervising trade, crafts, travel. The difference in five or ten or fifteen years - is "employees." The first - almost one level: Director of Accounting, actress-manager. This two climbers - one leads, the other fear. Such a pair is composed not only of income, but in order to propiaritsya, jump, and then, and make money. Someone has to be even higher status. If such people get married, it's usually at work. If their work is no longer bind, they can disperse, because the one who considers himself above starts to pull the blanket over himself.
Fifteen years - a special difference: all the quality is enhanced here - the choice of faith, the ideological charge. Example: Count Sheremetev serf actress and Zhemchugov. He picked it up, got married, he suffered for it in the circle. But it is not only her but also immortalized himself.
Now let's talk about seven. It corresponds to Neptune. If such a person appears in your environment, it is necessary for some reason. This spiritual relationship, good for creativity, but completely devoid of clarity. For example, Shchedrin and Maya Plisetskaya. Stalin - Kirov. Communication strange and mysterious.
Eleven years difference - a parody of fourteen: there is the drama, here - a farce, sometimes heavy. "Take this man everything he gives and leave" - that's the golden rule of this difference. But marriages are almost impossible. Marilyn Monroe and Arthur Miller lived for five years - and nothing happened.
Twelve years - people of Chinese totem. The combination of four and three. Four - good, but three - bad. Such a union begins rosy, and almost always ends badly. "The Chinese affinity" is confusing: people think that if they, for example, dogs - it will make friends. And Zoroastrian horoscope is one dog - Cheetah, ekstrimalschik, another - Turtle: being solid, unhurried. So your dog year (and with a difference of twelve years), you do not really need. But the distance of twenty-four years will be successful: 32 - 24 = 8, that is, the number of "cousin." This difference Carlo Ponti and Sophia Loren. This is a very strong connection.
It remains to thirteen. Good union brilliant at "cousin"; "Ally." If the "officer" must pay each month, the "companion" - a mutual life mission, a common cause. Putin and Medvedev. Lenin with Zinoviev and Kamenev - that is the difference. But for Stalin they were "second cousins" - four years he endured them and then removed. By the way, Stalin no "brother" killed: Mikoyan, Zhdanov, rock, Marshal Vasilevsky, who to the end was the chief of staff, sixteen years his junior.
But it happens that a person is close and on "your"-shuffling is the "enemy"? The fact that he is "the enemy", it turns out, when it comes down to it, or to the body. Here it is necessary to know the system or not to take the enemy for his brother, or have an innate intuition.
As you can see, this is a very useful skill - if you do not feel it in advance to calculate, how relations develop.
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