Inflate the press at home for a week?

This instruction is for those who want to pump up the beautiful news "cubes" at home ... paying only 10-20 minutes a day.
What you will need:
1) Sofa
2) The strength of will and desire
3) 10-20 minutes of time
We sit on the edge of the sofa, his hands rests on the bed and straighten his legs in front of him (not touching the floor) and begin to bend the legs to him and straighten back and so 20 repetitions.
Lie on the floor (at the back), head up against the sofa, his hands holding the edge of the couch and begins to raise his legs 90 degrees to the floor ... we repeat this exercise 20 times.
Without changing the position, lift the legs off the floor and carry the well-known exercise bike (feet on weight and seemed to pedal) ... also 20 times. Done? It is possible and rest, but not for long: a minute.
Lying in the same situation continue. Legs bent at the knees, and try to get to as it were breast knees, performing swaying motion to the chest and back to the floor 20 moves!
Change the position. Feet on the couch, do lie on the floor on his back. Hands together and pulled his hands up to the knees and back. 20 times.
Lie to (Step 5) on the back foot on the couch, hands behind your head and turn to the left to the right and do twisting movements to the left (right) hand was as close as possible to the right (left) leg. 20 times.
Then his hands together in front of you, without changing the position of doing the same thing but now we start it by the right hand, then his left leg, 20 times.
That's all it takes for the press of his dreams.
At first, 20 times on each exercise is not for everyone to be optimal, that is too much, you need to start small. On the first day take a 5-8 in the second - 10, a third - 15, and then a schedule based on their state of health, as beginners, will likely be hurt the press, rest day. Then again ahead of your personal schedule! Be sure to alternate exercise and rest, had to balance.