Option home workout

1 week training, stretched belly after giving birth, can be transformed into a flat stomach and flabby legs - inflated!
lower press 3 sets of 10 times
Press the top 3 sets of 10 times
Squats 3 sets of 10 times (one of them with a weight)
Stand on the blades 1 min
spin from a prone position 2 sets of 15 times
lunges 2 sets of 8 times
Wrap 3-5 minutes a day
bridge (30 seconds-1 minute)
supine exercise scissors (1-1, 5 min)
bicycle lying on the back (head should be suspended and not on the floor)
lying on its side to lift both legs at the same time (5-8 times on each side)
Exercise cat with swing press (emphasis on the elbows)
jumping rope 50-70
running on the spot as possible raising the legs above the abdomen
All exercises are done in the morning, after 30 minutes of drinking a glass of water with lemon. Breakfast - an hour after the workout.
At night:
⚡ lower press 10 times
⚡ upper press 10 times
⚡ relax back muscles on the ball with the points.