Young Lady Is Getting Mauled By Two Young Lions

Hi guys,
my name is Maxine Prins, I am the girl playing with these lions. Almost five years ago I did volunteer work at the Lion-Park in Johannesburg. By that time I did not know anything about the canned hunting they did. I heard about that a year later and I was really angry and sad. This video was taken at that park and I do not know what happend to this poor lion cubs I spend a few months with.
because of this, I wanted to do something and dedicate my life to save animals. I went back to South-Africa this year to do a wildlife course and learn more about these beautiful animals.
The first week of my course I visited a couple of animal parks and at one horrible park I saw this poor little lion cub sitting alone in a small filthy enclosure. But my course continued. I just could not get that picture out of my mind of that cub so when I was done with the course I hired a car and immediately went back to that park and bought the lion cub, Elsa. I got in contact with a beautiful sanctuary, Jukani. They wanted to adopt her, I was so happy! So I got all the permits to move Elsa. We moved her on 24-10-2015 and now she is living a happy life there.
This video went viral with the wrong reasons ... People need to know not to visit or volunteer at these kind of parks were you can pet or walk with lions. All the lions end up as a trophy and that is terrible! Because I also did not know about this canned hunting I want to create more awareness for the subject so that other people can learn from my mistake!
Now I saved one lion cub, but there are a lot more to save. I decided not to stop with only this lion cub and starting a foundation to save more lions / animals.
Thank you for reading this and please share and let people know about canned hunting and these lion farms.