12 major brands of tsarist Russia
The Russian Empire was a good business climate. View here the company and make your brand recognition could and foreign entrepreneurs, and Russian merchants, and even the former serfs. < Website has selected a dozen of the most successful brands of pre-revolutionary Russia.
Einem h2> The company's founder, Theodore Ferdinand von Einem in 1851 opened a confectionery shop on the Arbat. It worked there only four people. Helped raise "Sweet business" Einem Crimean War. He delivered to their products. This helped Eynemu expand production and move the factory shop on Butcher.
Rousseau-Balt h2> Who believes that Russia has always been the automotive industry is not very wrong. Before the revolution it was in the world. Get at least car "Russo-Balt", first released in 1909.
Abrikosov and Sons h2> Abrikososovyh history began in 1804 when Moscow ppriehal on earnings Stepan Nikolaev nicknamed Obrikosov, opened a confectionery shop.
Storm h2> Watch "The Tempest" were in pre-revolutionary Russia for quality and accuracy. Therefore, the Russian emperor himself presented its distinguished officials, honored the people and foreign diplomats.
Faberge h2> Total 71 known Faberge egg, out of which 52 are considered to be the emperor. "Faberge Egg" - is a luxury, splendor and prestige of the Russian Empire. These jewels were gifts premium level. Alexander III, has promoted the popularity of Faberge, he gave his wife an egg for Easter in 1887.
Brothers Diederichs h2> «Brothers Diederichs" let the best in the Russian Empire of the XIX century pianos. The history of the factory began in 1810. After 10-odd years the company put its products on the insert and declared its readiness to sell high-quality pianos that are not inferior to foreign and costs 3-8 times less.
Skorokhod h2> In pre-revolutionary Russia all know that the best shoes - "Skorohodov»!
Dux h2> Before cars traveled across Russia, not only on gasoline and electricity, but also for a couple. The first plant to issue became paromobil "Dux". Cars use these Russians have a lot of confidence, because I think the safest.
Einem h2> The company's founder, Theodore Ferdinand von Einem in 1851 opened a confectionery shop on the Arbat. It worked there only four people. Helped raise "Sweet business" Einem Crimean War. He delivered to their products. This helped Eynemu expand production and move the factory shop on Butcher.
The company produces about 20 kinds of products, especially popular "sweet basket" for brides. In 1913 the company received the title of "Supplier of the Court of His Imperial Majesty».
Rousseau-Balt h2> Who believes that Russia has always been the automotive industry is not very wrong. Before the revolution it was in the world. Get at least car "Russo-Balt", first released in 1909.
"Russo-Balt" were high-end machines. This is evidenced, for example, winning the race St. Petersburg - Monaco in 1912 and 1913 respectively, as well as the fact that "Russo-Balt" is the first machine that conquered Mount Vesuvius. Generally the car was one of the most reliable in the world.
Abrikosov and Sons h2> Abrikososovyh history began in 1804 when Moscow ppriehal on earnings Stepan Nikolaev nicknamed Obrikosov, opened a confectionery shop.
By the beginning of XX century factory workers Abrikosov worked in 1900, they produced about 4,000 tons of candy, sweets, chocolate and biscuits a year.
"Abrikosov and Sons" to the issue of marketing treated liability. In 1891 alone, it spent 300 thous. Rubles. Pastry filled the whole city with their leaflets.
Storm h2> Watch "The Tempest" were in pre-revolutionary Russia for quality and accuracy. Therefore, the Russian emperor himself presented its distinguished officials, honored the people and foreign diplomats.
The company "The Tempest" is released as exclusive products, and watches for the mass buyer. Prices at the clock starts at just 2 rubles and reached several thousand. Russia was one of the first countries where watches have become a public commodity. After 1917 the company continued to work in Switzerland under the name Paul Buhre.
Faberge h2> Total 71 known Faberge egg, out of which 52 are considered to be the emperor. "Faberge Egg" - is a luxury, splendor and prestige of the Russian Empire. These jewels were gifts premium level. Alexander III, has promoted the popularity of Faberge, he gave his wife an egg for Easter in 1887.
The fate of this gift primechtaelna. In 1917 it was confiscated by the Bolsheviks, who sold it to the West.
In 1964 it was sold for a pittance ($ 2,450) at auction Parke Bernet. Where is it now, it is unknown. Its price - about 20 million pounds.
Brothers Diederichs h2> «Brothers Diederichs" let the best in the Russian Empire of the XIX century pianos. The history of the factory began in 1810. After 10-odd years the company put its products on the insert and declared its readiness to sell high-quality pianos that are not inferior to foreign and costs 3-8 times less.
"Diederichs" staremitelno developed, working on product quality and expanding its range. At the World Industrial Exhibition in Paris in 1900, the tool factory was awarded the Grand Prix and the AF Diederichs - awarded the Order.
Skorokhod h2> In pre-revolutionary Russia all know that the best shoes - "Skorohodov»!
Partnership of St. Petersburg manufacturing mechanical shoe appeared September 11, 1882. Two years later she started producing the popular footwear brand "reform" - light summer shoes with low heels, embossed on the toe to lift pattern "herringbone". They were nicknamed "Skorohodov».
Shoes Men's Association has repeatedly exhibited at international fairs - in Chicago (1893), Amsterdam (1894), Paris (1900). At the end of 1890 it was sold in Germany, surviving competition with models of local producers.
Only in 1910 the word "Skorokhod" appeared in the official name of the company, on signs branded stores Partnership, on the soles of their shoes produced in the form of stigma.
Dux h2> Before cars traveled across Russia, not only on gasoline and electricity, but also for a couple. The first plant to issue became paromobil "Dux". Cars use these Russians have a lot of confidence, because I think the safest.
racing model "Dux" speeds up to 140 km / h.
Also paromobiley, also called "locomotives", the company produced bicycles, omnibuses, snowmobile, motorcycle.
In 1910, "Dux" was released on aerorynok - began to produce airplanes and airships. In this release other products began to decline. In 1918 the factory was nationalized and renamed the "State Aircraft Plant № 1".
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