Symptoms that shout about the lack of vitamins. So that's why I always want sweet!

Autumn came, and with it we started to climb much heavier in the morning, go to work like sleepy flies, we are constantly distracted, irritable and not concentrated. Some people even begin depression. All of these symptoms are simply talking about the lack of vitamins in the body. This means that, to make up the deficit, we can safely return to the usual rhythm of life. Today will tell you how the various symptoms associated with a lack of vitamins and minerals.

Dry Skin
Your body lacks vitamin E. To reserve replacement include in your diet nuts, oily fish and vegetable oils.

Brittle hair and nails
These symptoms indicate deficiency of B vitamins and calcium. A lot of them germinated beans, whole grain cereals, whole bread.

Bleeding gums
In the body, there is a lack of vitamin C. It is found in onions, garlic, fruits and vegetables. You can also drink the infusion or decoction of wild rose pine needles.

Poor sleep and irritability
He says about the lack of magnesium and potassium. These trace elements are contained in dried apricots, apricot paste, prunes and beet.

Cramps at night
Also talk about the lack of magnesium and potassium.

Goosebumps on his elbows
This is a clear symptom of a lack of vitamins C and A. They are in all fruits and vegetables orange: carrots, pumpkin, tomatoes, apricots, dried apricots.

Want to salt
The body has lodged an infection or inflammation worsened, especially in the urogenital system.

Want to sweet
Perhaps you nervous exhaustion and need fast energy supply - glucose. In this case it is better to use honey or dark chocolate to avoid problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

Want to fresh food
This symptom may indicate gastritis or liver problems. Fresh food can help relieve spasms and soothe the stomach.

The food seems fresh
Perhaps you have depression.

Want to chew sunflower seeds
Your body does not have enough antioxidants.

Want to sour
The body itself requires these products, since it needs the stimulation of the liver or gall bladder. Included in the diet lemon, cranberry.

Want to bitter
You have problems with the gastrointestinal tract. It fit very mild body cleansing.

Want to acute
Spicy foods stimulate digestion, but it should be consumed in a very reasonable amount and not on an empty stomach.

Pulls on seafood
Rather, it is a lack of iodine in the body.

Your body - an incredibly clever system, which is constantly giving you the signals and all that you have to do, to listen to them!



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