DDB Russia open Internet Marketing Agency
Agency Network capture Runet. Specialized Internet divisions.
The rapid growth of the advertising market in the Russian Internet is attracting new players. On the establishment of a specialized unit of Internet marketing to reflect and advertising agency DDB Russia: during the month it plans to launch in the Russian subsidiary of Tribal DDB. Market participants believe the decision in a timely and say they are also planning the opening of such agencies.
Tribal DDB Worldwide is one of the ten largest in the world of advertising agencies and is part of the Group Omnicom. It has offices in the US, Europe, New Zealand, Asia and others. It specializes in services in the field of Internet marketing, developing campaigns, mobile marketing, branding, creating websites and online games, and others. The main customers are: Pepsi, Michelin, Unilever , Visa, Volkswagen, McDonalds, Visa, Universal Music, and others. The fact that the preparatory work for the launch of Russia's agency Tribal DDB is scheduled for completion in March, told RBC daily CEO of DDB Russia Sergey Krivonogov. Tribal Agency will DDB comprehensive customer service on the Internet - the development of advertising campaigns in RuNet, mobile marketing, branding, etc. Report exact launch date Agency Sergei Krivonogov refused.
The general director of the agency FCBi (Media Arts Group), Vladimir Korovkin believes that the creation of a separate structure that would deal with interactive projects - the right decision. "Effective advertising campaign on the Internet - a complex set of creative, technical and media solutions. Thus, it is easier to create a separate company than to gather in the same team of people from several departments of the traditional agencies ", - says Mr. Korovkin. According to him, FCBi is now the only Russian agency, "provides a full range of interactive services" - from development and production sites and banners to advertise on the Internet.
Market participants believe the conclusion Tribal DDB on the Russian market timely. "The fact that international advertising network in Russia began to open its online division, said that the market is ripe. Advertisers no longer neglect this media and agencies have begun a systematic approach to using it, "- said General Director of Agency IMHO VI Svetlana Gorokhov. According to research agency MindShare Interaction, the total volume of the online advertising market in 2006 reached 187 million dollars.
Representatives of most of the network of agencies said that in the near future plans to launch on the Russian market of interactive units. In 2007, the launch of the Russian branch of the international interactive network Isobar planning advertising holding Aegis Media. However, according to the president of Aegis Media Oleg Polyakov, to discuss details of the launch is premature. Plans for the creation of online companies also have another major player in the advertising market Starcom MediaVest Group. According to group president Sergei Beloglazova, despite the fact that the level of development of the online advertising market is not high enough, the profitability of this business is obvious. On the Internet and in the direction of counting ADV. The Director-General included in the ADV Internet marketing company MRM Interactive Vladimir Denisov noted that the range of services in RuNet expands: "No one can not be surprised creating simple websites. Our plans of advertising campaigns on the Internet ».
Russian agencies do not fall behind on the network: the creation of a specialized company plans Medialect. "Advertising on the Internet - more than a promising direction. Especially when you consider that in the foreseeable future, TV, radio, Internet, in some parts of the press will merge into a single carrier, "- says managing director Eduard Rodnyanskii Medialect.
The chairman of the board of directors of BBDO Russia Group Ella Stewart is in no hurry to allocate digital-service into a separate company. "At the global level BBDO discusses the emergence of interactive agency - will it exist within the Proximity or other units is not yet decided. In Russia, we will not run a separate structure - such functions are already several companies BBDO Russia Group. We restrict ourselves to the creation of digital-committee ", - says Ms. Stewart.
OLGA Trushkova
Source: RBC Daily
via rbcdaily.ru
The rapid growth of the advertising market in the Russian Internet is attracting new players. On the establishment of a specialized unit of Internet marketing to reflect and advertising agency DDB Russia: during the month it plans to launch in the Russian subsidiary of Tribal DDB. Market participants believe the decision in a timely and say they are also planning the opening of such agencies.
Tribal DDB Worldwide is one of the ten largest in the world of advertising agencies and is part of the Group Omnicom. It has offices in the US, Europe, New Zealand, Asia and others. It specializes in services in the field of Internet marketing, developing campaigns, mobile marketing, branding, creating websites and online games, and others. The main customers are: Pepsi, Michelin, Unilever , Visa, Volkswagen, McDonalds, Visa, Universal Music, and others. The fact that the preparatory work for the launch of Russia's agency Tribal DDB is scheduled for completion in March, told RBC daily CEO of DDB Russia Sergey Krivonogov. Tribal Agency will DDB comprehensive customer service on the Internet - the development of advertising campaigns in RuNet, mobile marketing, branding, etc. Report exact launch date Agency Sergei Krivonogov refused.
The general director of the agency FCBi (Media Arts Group), Vladimir Korovkin believes that the creation of a separate structure that would deal with interactive projects - the right decision. "Effective advertising campaign on the Internet - a complex set of creative, technical and media solutions. Thus, it is easier to create a separate company than to gather in the same team of people from several departments of the traditional agencies ", - says Mr. Korovkin. According to him, FCBi is now the only Russian agency, "provides a full range of interactive services" - from development and production sites and banners to advertise on the Internet.
Market participants believe the conclusion Tribal DDB on the Russian market timely. "The fact that international advertising network in Russia began to open its online division, said that the market is ripe. Advertisers no longer neglect this media and agencies have begun a systematic approach to using it, "- said General Director of Agency IMHO VI Svetlana Gorokhov. According to research agency MindShare Interaction, the total volume of the online advertising market in 2006 reached 187 million dollars.
Representatives of most of the network of agencies said that in the near future plans to launch on the Russian market of interactive units. In 2007, the launch of the Russian branch of the international interactive network Isobar planning advertising holding Aegis Media. However, according to the president of Aegis Media Oleg Polyakov, to discuss details of the launch is premature. Plans for the creation of online companies also have another major player in the advertising market Starcom MediaVest Group. According to group president Sergei Beloglazova, despite the fact that the level of development of the online advertising market is not high enough, the profitability of this business is obvious. On the Internet and in the direction of counting ADV. The Director-General included in the ADV Internet marketing company MRM Interactive Vladimir Denisov noted that the range of services in RuNet expands: "No one can not be surprised creating simple websites. Our plans of advertising campaigns on the Internet ».
Russian agencies do not fall behind on the network: the creation of a specialized company plans Medialect. "Advertising on the Internet - more than a promising direction. Especially when you consider that in the foreseeable future, TV, radio, Internet, in some parts of the press will merge into a single carrier, "- says managing director Eduard Rodnyanskii Medialect.
The chairman of the board of directors of BBDO Russia Group Ella Stewart is in no hurry to allocate digital-service into a separate company. "At the global level BBDO discusses the emergence of interactive agency - will it exist within the Proximity or other units is not yet decided. In Russia, we will not run a separate structure - such functions are already several companies BBDO Russia Group. We restrict ourselves to the creation of digital-committee ", - says Ms. Stewart.
OLGA Trushkova
Source: RBC Daily
via rbcdaily.ru
The bad news for agencies. Agencies are losing influence
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