Socially ads by Leo Burnett: Motors, which spoil our lives
The campaign for the reduction of CO2 production of cars in the British television aired video was released, developed by the agency Leo Burnett / London.Kampaniya «Act On CO2» («The impact on CO2»), having the aim to tell people about the connection between their everyday behavior and climate change , it was initiated by the Department of Transport, the Secretary for the Environment and the Prime Minister of Britain began in March with print and online advertising, was also launched a special website. Studies claim that 40% of the CO2 emitted into the air too - this is a consequence of individual behavior, and not the work of industrial enterprises. The Department of Transport is trying to draw the attention of the British on this campaign, pointing out that the aid in obereganii Earth's climate also helps to save.
Video, as well as other means of communication, calling each motorist to personal responsibility for reduction of CO2 emissions, was released in May.
Text video: «In the beginning someone invented a clever engine. Engines as found another smart, burn fuel and produce CO2, contributing to climate change. There is a simple way to reduce the production of CO2. For example, ensure that the tires are always properly inflated. Or not to raise the engine speed when driving gently. Both of these options work, reducing the percentage of CO2 and helping to save fuel, which is good for everyone. Find out more about reducing the production of CO2. Look for the network: Act on CO2 »
Print advertising campaign «Act On CO2»:
via # image2880355
Video, as well as other means of communication, calling each motorist to personal responsibility for reduction of CO2 emissions, was released in May.
Text video: «In the beginning someone invented a clever engine. Engines as found another smart, burn fuel and produce CO2, contributing to climate change. There is a simple way to reduce the production of CO2. For example, ensure that the tires are always properly inflated. Or not to raise the engine speed when driving gently. Both of these options work, reducing the percentage of CO2 and helping to save fuel, which is good for everyone. Find out more about reducing the production of CO2. Look for the network: Act on CO2 »

Print advertising campaign «Act On CO2»:

via # image2880355
Saatchi & amp; Saatchi LA showed as the Toyota Camry is born out of the asphalt
deverp yonshuP. Fur was the face of a new campaign "Frustyle"