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Two days in "Sunrise"

Website Editor Lukicheva Xenia traveled to Ekaterinburg to visit, perhaps, one of the most mysterious Russian advertising agentstv.Chtoby see with their eyes and understand what's going on this, which is why some of the Ural creatives sometimes udelyvayut entire industry.

UtroRabochy day at sunrise begins at 10 am, and it's not just words, by this time in the office do appear almost everything. At first, it was amazing, but the next morning when the creative director Andrew Gubaidullin announced that the agency has become richer by 1,000 rubles, it became clear. For a delay of more than 2 minutes each employee pays the fee - 500 rubles, and a serious delay in the estimated amount of the other, depending on the time history of delays and aggravating circumstances individually. All penalties are added to the safe, and then the money marked a variety of corporate events, whether it's a birthday or an employee another victory at the festival. For two days in the presence of site Rising "fund" added one and a half thousand rubles.

The creative department of RA "Sunrise" - a total of 13 people. Creative director, art director, copywriter 4, 4 designer, sound, Video designer and the only girl - the traffic manager, is responsible for coordinating traffic projects and activities of the department.

Four designer in the morning sitting, merged with its tablet and mouse. The soldiers of the invisible front, about which the public knows virtually nothing, and those are the walls of the agency. They have a private room, and almost invisible during the day.

In kopirayterskom's office, who is "receiving" the Cabinet Andrei Gubaidulina and art director Vlad Wood, on the tables are new releases Lurzer's Archive, has just brought from Portoroz. Copywriters but traditionally is late Eugene Primachenko and go on vacation Anton Kotovskogo also already in the works.

Vlad checks designers and hastily concealed from all external stimuli home - dorisovyvat illustration calendar which tomorrow must pass. As a result, Vlad spent behind a computer 23 hours without interruption.

Here appreciate the necessary privacy: if something is urgent, you can sit at home in silence, and on what not distracted; if the ideas do not go to your head, you can lock yourself in peregovorke and not go out as long as no come up with something that can be shown to the client. With a view to the maximum possible insulation and non-creative process at Sunrise two offices in one sitting all creatives, featuring production and traffic manager, and the other - across the road - accounts, accounting and other services uncreative.

His silamiPriezd site coincided with changes in the agency. Vlad Wood, the only art-director of the agency, just a week ago fully engaged prodakshenom, post-production, illustration, design and other applied activities, will now manage the process in an emergency to do what I did before.

But judging by the volume of work, emergency Sunrise missing. On average, only one of rollers of different degree of complexity is 100 pieces per year, and only a "shift workers" for Cherkashin became the first roller shot is not their own, and third party prodakshenom - Ukrainian "Kinograf" in Kiev.

The agency is not only all featuring production and post, but also the sound. Michael Kokorin - sound with a small table on which is a computer and synthesizer. And behind the glass - a tiny studio. Sometimes it is necessary to contact the studio or large audioprodaksheny, in the event that both have to record two or more people. Because the area of ​​the little room, in which the "Sunrise" says the voice, barely live up to one and a half meters.

Awards copywriters room - "iconostasis" hang diplomas and awards stand. Diplomas of the year has not yet been posted, usually chickens are considered closer to the new year, but Andrew has already expressed serious concerns that the space on the wall for the following diplomas will not. The main "icons" - the diploma of the finalists Cannes Lions hanging in a corner of the ceiling, now three silver statuettes of Golden Drum and "Bath Ideas" received on the idea of ​​2010.

There are awards that exist at the agency only in the form to tell a story. Traffic Manager Galina Shubin came as something for your child to kindergarten and received confirmation that the advertisement made by "Sunrise", became part of ekaterinburzhskoy culture. This kindergarten is the so-called "duty days" - when children themselves serve, including during lunch.
One of the boys laid on plates porridge, poured the compote and stood before the table:
- Well, Serge, come on ...

The boy, whose real name is Sergei, pretended to be pulled from the pocket labels, began to read, and the children chattered spoons, eating oatmeal kindergarten. Primachenko telling this story, he admitted that he found it was even more pleasant than getting silver Golden Drama.


Gubaidullin, Primachenko, Alexander Parkhomenko and Alexander Ragozin discuss two options jingles that they take today. Discuss thoughtfully and occasionally even dramatic: silent-silent, chins and foreheads propped up, rush looks into the distance, and then suddenly start to speak, without interrupting each other. Two or three sentences, and everything will sink into silence. To come to some kind of result is not obtained immediately. Andrew postoyatnno divert calls and accounting matters, discussion subsides and turns into a smoke break. Smoking - against modern fashion - almost everything. I smoke a lot and enjoy discussing their work and the work of the entire industry.

Parkhomenko thinks the computer Ragozin pulls off the table on a chair, throws a leg over the other and something to scratch pad. A Primachenko likes to think on the fly, kopirayterskuyu pacing the room, going to the office of Andrew and out into the corridor in front, singing and muttering.

Generally very quiet. No hassles, running, mate and cries peculiar to advertising agencies. People work quietly and sometimes something to discuss aloud.
- You are always so quiet?
- We have a quiet ?!
- Well, yes.
- No, not always.
- And when there is loud?
- Well ... almost always.

It so happened that, according voskhodovtsev, site came to visit in a rare period of calm. Work is, a lot of it, but just in the working hours, plus a couple of hours in the evening. Copywriters expressed a timid hope that this time will not even have to go to work on Saturday, and they will have two days off for the first few months.
"The work of 7 projects, and in May, for example, was 21", grinning Jack, Sasha and Sasha. "We were at the end have already begun to ask your boss is not whether our death they want».

Perfectionism and emotions run very often perfectionists Voskhod. Almost two days with breaks for another job quickly altered the English subtitles for the "shift workers". As practice has shown Golden Drum, the Europeans have a completely different culture of the use of meat products, and all of these "neck spicy" they just do not understand. It was necessary to simplify and write «spicy pork» and «baked beef» without specific names, as well as separately to explain that there is a "shift workers", and why they can not go to the nearest store for a normal meal.
It is believed that this was the reason for getting only a silver drum in Slovenia as to the gold lacked only one vote, and the chairman of the jury and the cult figure of the advertising world Tony Granger was just for the gold medal.
At Eurobest from sunrise will go only shift workers, and to avoid any misunderstanding on the new titles and worked for so long. The duration of presence on the screen of one of the replicas even gave rise to a total of three emotional outbursts witnessed by the site for all of two days of continuous presence.

The second outbreak was once brought brief for the development of the calendar without dimensions. A third author was the copywriter Alexander Ragozin, plunged into the monitor almost the whole body and has received untimely question:
- That is taciturn copywriters still there?
- There are radio spots, which must now take! I was the sixth script writing on this subject! My head is about to explode!
And yet. The outbreak was over, there was a release of emotions, you can work on. Scripts were commissioned on time.

Relations with klientamiHotelos get to the customer meeting to see how the RA "Sunrise" is selling his ideas. Fakes and festival initiatives at the agency do not fundamentally and get rewards with the real work. Thereby denying the widespread assertion that can not be sold to Russian clients creative. No, of course, no one says that all customers at "Sunrise" and understand like you need to work quickly and do not shun. Anything can happen. For example, from losing tenders for the last five years it has been lost with the phrase "It's too creative for us».
During these two days the client had only one meeting - the secondary, but there AdMe not taken. As explained by Andrew embarrassed: "Probably, we'll be there to swear».

And speaking of tenders. The free bids "Sunrise" is not involved for many years, value their time, and realizing that the customer inviting them to participate in the pitch should understand to whom he came and what the product can receive. Maybe it sounds too cocky, but said Eugene Primachenko, if a person comes into the store Converse, he does not ask him to sell Nike.

The advantages of working in the regions that most of the clients are not huge multinationals with an impressive clumsy staff minded and cowardly brand managers and vertical pyramid of power, leaving the apex of the cloud. We have to work with small businesses and directly with their owners, most of which responsibility and understand what they need and what it offers to the agency.
For example, "Dawn" is a client who first receives the script roller, and then the finished movie. He is not interested neither casting nor lokeyshn, no scenery, no process of post-production, he did not present at the shooting. "You come up with this, you are doing, I got to do with it." It is not difficult to guess that this is one of my favorite clients of the agency. On Friday, he sent a new brief - lasting exactly one line.
Approximately half of the customers, in addition to scripts, descriptions of campaigns and the final product concerned only with the casting.
And recently in the "Sunrise" appeared first in the history of their client who came to him with the brief "I need a festival." Call that client, of course, is impossible, as well as to tell the essence already come up with ideas, but in the "Sunrise" confident that this Cannes Silver Lion.

For some customers - and this is inevitable - "offers three options: two good and one that will take».

YangiProblema new staff in Yekaterinburg is very serious. If we are hard to find in Moscow creatives, then what about the cities is much smaller. "Sunrise" is trying to solve it with the cultivation of students of the Faculty of Public Relations of the Urals State University. Students come, receive copies of briefs, go to think, and then bring their ideas. Most often it is the horror and trash, but sometimes that trash is finished, thinking the copywriter, and the result is a good idea.

PPM and ekonomiya

On Friday morning was a preliminary PPM. Andrew came to him that almost all the rollers acts director, cameraman, Igor Petrov, filmed on video works freelancing 99% "Sunrise", and Ilya Linetssky, Video designer, just last week, came to the agency. About an hour decided on engineering, technology performance, plans, surveys and multiple-choice lokeyshena. Filming in 5 days, and it is normal practice - all again quietly, without fuss and nerves. Producer and artistic director, also worked on freelancing, arrived later the same day to get their assignments.
The average budget movie in the "Sunrise" 7-10 thousand dollars, so we have to work briefly, but not at the expense of quality.
Andrew: Who will do 3D?
Ilya: I have people who would do well.
- How much will it cost?
- Well 30-40 thousand rubles ...
At this point, the designer is included Georgy Malkov.
Andrew: Gosh, do you have a plate?
Ghosh: Yes.
- A flying?
- Draw.
- Another ghost is necessary to animate.
- I spent two years doing character animation. Everything is done, let the script, I went to draw sketches.
That budget savings. Before you give the script designer, Andrew hands them to me. On the reverse side of the print some tables:

- Look, even here save. Oborotka use.

Creative poryadokV Voskhod always order. And in the office as a whole, and on the tables of the creatives in particular - something like a corporate policy. There can be strictly within the two-meter kitchens and tea and coffee - in the same kitchen, negotiating, in the hallway or on the street for a cigarette break. Strict rule, and even the guests do not make exceptions. This, they say everything is organizing not only creatives that are inherently decent dolt, but also streamlines the creative process. And in the kitchen, by the way, hanging duty roster, which features all 13 employees, including creative director.
And besides the fact that there is no accepted to arrange a mess and late for work, it is not accepted in sunrise and leave on time. On Friday, an hour after the official end of the working week, Primachenko Jack leaned back in his chair and clasped his hands behind his head:

- At the moment I have three problems: there is no third option for the customer, and there is no money at the Cannes Lion. The last two - solved.

Read on: Two Days in "Sunrise". Interviews

Xenia Lukicheva

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