Dangerous products
The most harmful foods in Rossii.Reklama not always honest with their customers, highlighting the advantages of a promoted product, which in most cases either contrived or greatly exaggerated. Tricky and manufacturers, hiding part of the product in small letters on the reverse side of the label for a striking design and ambiguous naming. After all, few people not of enlightened buyers will think that "maslitse" - it's not butter, and "cottage cheese" - is not a natural cheese.
To help understand the surrounding flow of information and advertising designed to revealing articles on the site about how to deceive buyers, pretend to be foreign brands and attract the network of fast foods
For the truthfulness of advertising and the safety of manufactured products closely watched by regulatory authorities, research institutions and scientists around the world. Nutritionists are struggling with McDonalds, the doctors - with cigarette manufacturers, and parents try in vain to dissuade their children from hobbies "Kinder Surprise».
What is there, but from what should be abandoned, everyone will certainly decide for himself. But to know which brands are useful and which are causing injury or lie on the packaging, it's worth each.
Carbonated drinks
The composition of Coca-Cola, Pepsi, Sprite and other "soft drinks" included a number of artificial additives (preservatives, acidifiers, sweeteners, flavors, emulsifiers, food colors) and various acids that soda cans can safely write a list of contra-indications: not recommended pregnant women, nursing, people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, causing calcium deficiency and urolithiasis.
All of this has been scientifically proven by American scientists involved in the study of the influence of food on human health. And ordinary people within the domestic experiments, it was shown that Sprite dissolves scum in a teapot, Coca-cola can be used as a stain remover and Pepsi in emergency cases successfully replaces antifreeze as freezes at minus nine degrees.
It's no secret that the chips are added synthetic flavors and flavor enhancers. And if the chips to burn, they light up and burn quickly. This is due to a large amount of oil present on their surface and in the microscopic voids formed during their manufacture.
In addition, the classic chips - potato - is now almost no one produces. Instead, use the potato mixture, the content of which we can only guess. So in the UK it has been recognized by the court that the chips Pringles are not potato products. During their production using yeast dough with a small addition of potatoes.
Fast Food
Among the ingredients used in the production of food in McDonald's, Burger King, KFC and other international fast-food restaurants, a variety of chemical food additives and carcinogens. Besides obesity and increase in blood sugar that has been proven in the documentary "Super Size Me» (Super Size Me), and fast food is dangerous for the human nervous system. Its regular use, according to research by the New York Psychiatric Institute, resulting in damage to the structure of the brain, destroys nerve tissue and triggers inflammation. In addition, "fast food" causes in children and adults dependence similar drug.
Bouillon cubes
Advertising cubes Knorr, Maggi, Gallina Blanca promises hearty and healthy soups, as well as substantial savings on their preparation. However, gastroenterologists warn that between nourishing meat broth and bouillon cubes have nothing in common. And strongly recommend to abandon them.
The main ingredient in the composition of dice - this salt (50-60%). Another third in their composition - is glutamates (flavor enhancers), which is the main danger lies in the fact that they - the strong carcinogens contribute to the development of cancer. In addition, this cocktail of useless food additives is strictly contraindicated in people with diseases of the liver, pancreas and kidneys.
More Otto von Bismarck said: "Sausage and politics: if you want to enjoy them - do not look like they do." In addition to meat sausage, hot dogs and sausages today are added soy flour, semolina, starch, fat, and color stabilizers, flavor enhancers and additives for weight gain - water with salt and gelling agent or bone meal. That is the meat in the sausages are not only virtually present, but it does not even smell, for this purpose, flavorings.
Sad but true: the name "Doctor's sausage" is now used purely for marketing purposes. The original recipe for the sausage for the correction of health was developed in 1936 and contained, according to Wikipedia, 100 kg of 25 kg of beef sausage premium, bold pork 70 kg, 3 kg and 2 kg of eggs cow's milk. This sausage was intended "to patients who have poor health as a result of the Civil War and royal despotism».
Funny dairy
Many dairy products, especially made for children, pose a risk to consumers is only guided by the product name and not pay attention to its composition. This is a tricky product disguised as words curds, maslitse, frugurt and the like.
For example, "cottage cheese home" by LLC "Baltkom Uni" with natural cheese has nothing to do. It consists presentedin milk and vegetable fat. And cottage cheese "Rastishka" from Danone - it's not cheese, and dessert, and did not baby food, as recognized by the FAS in 2009, what we still persistently trying to convince the advertising.
MAXIBON Ice cream made from water, whey powder, sugar, vegetable fat, as well as emulsifiers, stabilizers, flavorings and others. Such a product, by definition, ice cream, conventionally manufactured from milk, cream, butter and sugar, can not be called. Cream of vegetable fats - this melorin.
Another advertising gimmick: as to use the word "oil" is possible only on this animal or vegetable oils, and mixtures need to write a "spread", the most dodgy found out - write "Maselko" or "butter". Similar is the case with all sorts of "sour cream" instead of sour cream and "condensed milk" instead of condensed milk.
In our stores you can find and salt "GMO-free" packaging and fennel with the label "lean product," in large letters and "selective" and "100% quality" on each product from eggs to juice. Be careful not to judge the product on the label, read the composition. Go Beyond The Cover! And share in the comments how deceiving us.
See also the theme:
How to cheat customers
How skillfully pretend foreign brand
via www.adme.ru/kreativnyj-obzor/kak-umelo-prikinutsya-inostrannym-brendom-23488/
To help understand the surrounding flow of information and advertising designed to revealing articles on the site about how to deceive buyers, pretend to be foreign brands and attract the network of fast foods
For the truthfulness of advertising and the safety of manufactured products closely watched by regulatory authorities, research institutions and scientists around the world. Nutritionists are struggling with McDonalds, the doctors - with cigarette manufacturers, and parents try in vain to dissuade their children from hobbies "Kinder Surprise».
What is there, but from what should be abandoned, everyone will certainly decide for himself. But to know which brands are useful and which are causing injury or lie on the packaging, it's worth each.
Carbonated drinks

The composition of Coca-Cola, Pepsi, Sprite and other "soft drinks" included a number of artificial additives (preservatives, acidifiers, sweeteners, flavors, emulsifiers, food colors) and various acids that soda cans can safely write a list of contra-indications: not recommended pregnant women, nursing, people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, causing calcium deficiency and urolithiasis.
All of this has been scientifically proven by American scientists involved in the study of the influence of food on human health. And ordinary people within the domestic experiments, it was shown that Sprite dissolves scum in a teapot, Coca-cola can be used as a stain remover and Pepsi in emergency cases successfully replaces antifreeze as freezes at minus nine degrees.

It's no secret that the chips are added synthetic flavors and flavor enhancers. And if the chips to burn, they light up and burn quickly. This is due to a large amount of oil present on their surface and in the microscopic voids formed during their manufacture.
In addition, the classic chips - potato - is now almost no one produces. Instead, use the potato mixture, the content of which we can only guess. So in the UK it has been recognized by the court that the chips Pringles are not potato products. During their production using yeast dough with a small addition of potatoes.
Fast Food

Among the ingredients used in the production of food in McDonald's, Burger King, KFC and other international fast-food restaurants, a variety of chemical food additives and carcinogens. Besides obesity and increase in blood sugar that has been proven in the documentary "Super Size Me» (Super Size Me), and fast food is dangerous for the human nervous system. Its regular use, according to research by the New York Psychiatric Institute, resulting in damage to the structure of the brain, destroys nerve tissue and triggers inflammation. In addition, "fast food" causes in children and adults dependence similar drug.
Bouillon cubes

Advertising cubes Knorr, Maggi, Gallina Blanca promises hearty and healthy soups, as well as substantial savings on their preparation. However, gastroenterologists warn that between nourishing meat broth and bouillon cubes have nothing in common. And strongly recommend to abandon them.
The main ingredient in the composition of dice - this salt (50-60%). Another third in their composition - is glutamates (flavor enhancers), which is the main danger lies in the fact that they - the strong carcinogens contribute to the development of cancer. In addition, this cocktail of useless food additives is strictly contraindicated in people with diseases of the liver, pancreas and kidneys.

More Otto von Bismarck said: "Sausage and politics: if you want to enjoy them - do not look like they do." In addition to meat sausage, hot dogs and sausages today are added soy flour, semolina, starch, fat, and color stabilizers, flavor enhancers and additives for weight gain - water with salt and gelling agent or bone meal. That is the meat in the sausages are not only virtually present, but it does not even smell, for this purpose, flavorings.
Sad but true: the name "Doctor's sausage" is now used purely for marketing purposes. The original recipe for the sausage for the correction of health was developed in 1936 and contained, according to Wikipedia, 100 kg of 25 kg of beef sausage premium, bold pork 70 kg, 3 kg and 2 kg of eggs cow's milk. This sausage was intended "to patients who have poor health as a result of the Civil War and royal despotism».
Funny dairy

Many dairy products, especially made for children, pose a risk to consumers is only guided by the product name and not pay attention to its composition. This is a tricky product disguised as words curds, maslitse, frugurt and the like.
For example, "cottage cheese home" by LLC "Baltkom Uni" with natural cheese has nothing to do. It consists presentedin milk and vegetable fat. And cottage cheese "Rastishka" from Danone - it's not cheese, and dessert, and did not baby food, as recognized by the FAS in 2009, what we still persistently trying to convince the advertising.
MAXIBON Ice cream made from water, whey powder, sugar, vegetable fat, as well as emulsifiers, stabilizers, flavorings and others. Such a product, by definition, ice cream, conventionally manufactured from milk, cream, butter and sugar, can not be called. Cream of vegetable fats - this melorin.
Another advertising gimmick: as to use the word "oil" is possible only on this animal or vegetable oils, and mixtures need to write a "spread", the most dodgy found out - write "Maselko" or "butter". Similar is the case with all sorts of "sour cream" instead of sour cream and "condensed milk" instead of condensed milk.
In our stores you can find and salt "GMO-free" packaging and fennel with the label "lean product," in large letters and "selective" and "100% quality" on each product from eggs to juice. Be careful not to judge the product on the label, read the composition. Go Beyond The Cover! And share in the comments how deceiving us.
See also the theme:
How to cheat customers
How skillfully pretend foreign brand
via www.adme.ru/kreativnyj-obzor/kak-umelo-prikinutsya-inostrannym-brendom-23488/