30 controversial advertising campaigns
Advertising is different. Sometimes beautiful, sometimes smart, sometimes sexy advertising, is still nepriyatnaya.V advertising posters often use humor to remember the advertised product, but is much more effective shock advertising. Many of the posters used a very controversial approach to the presentation of the goods. We offer a shocking view advertisements that will show you how you can move the boundaries of reasonable.
Only three years after the release of these prints Puma admitted that they were made by order of.
Harvey Nichols
"Clearance. Try to keep his excitement in itself ».
Educational portal
"Can you get an STD by swallowing semen?»
"The tsunami killed 100 times more people than September 11". WWF from the print denies.
"Mega push-up." Model - man, Andrej Pejic.
"Consuming the earth, we are consuming our future».
The French Association for the rights of non-smokers
"Smoking - it means to be a slave to tobacco».
Toyota Prius
"Well, at least he drives a Prius».
Magazine Deutsch decided that nothing more than draw the attention of the public, as the subject of sex with a dog. Warning as harsh criticism, it has been provided.
CPD Prevention and Citizenship
"AIDS kills. Safe ».
Men's underwear JBS
"Men do not like to look at naked men».
Self-promotion agency of the Italian Der Doctor Guerrilla
"I Need an idea?»
International League against Racism and antisemitizma
"Skin color should not determine the future of a child!»
Chilean Association Against Cancer
"Smoking is not just suicide. This murder ».
Baths and saunas Luxor
"Extremely relaxing»
Footwear Bianco
"How to double its collection of shoes Bianco».
Society for the Protection pozhilyh
"More than 50% of all suicides are committed by older people».
Protection Fund homeless
"The longer you live on the street, the more difficult it free of it».
International Society for Human Rights
"Stop the oppression of women in the Islamic world».
"Fashion narkosha».
Job Search Site monster.com
"Not the work».
Ice Antonio Federici
"Ice cream - our religion».
Antibacterial soap Just liquid
"If you are not completely clean - you are contagious».
Fund anti-alcohol Alac
"Last night it really cost?»
"Do not buy souvenirs made from the skin of exotic animals».
Anti-AIDS Foundation
"Do not lose your head».
Council pedestrians Avstralii
"To kill a child. To kill the entire family ».
Sunglasses Glassing
"Kiss my glasses." The idea plays well-known expression «Kiss my ass».
"People in Defense of Animals»
"Do not treat others as you do not want to treat you».
Zurich outlet
"New in the Swiss countryside».
Government of the District of Santa Catarina
"Do not swallow the smoke from other people».
Organization to combat child abuse
"Some things are forever».
See also: 33 too sexy prints
Scandals involving advertising
via www.adme.ru/kreativnyj-obzor/skandaly-vokrug-reklamy-315205/
Only three years after the release of these prints Puma admitted that they were made by order of.
Harvey Nichols
"Clearance. Try to keep his excitement in itself ».
Educational portal

"Can you get an STD by swallowing semen?»

"The tsunami killed 100 times more people than September 11". WWF from the print denies.

"Mega push-up." Model - man, Andrej Pejic.
"Consuming the earth, we are consuming our future».
The French Association for the rights of non-smokers
"Smoking - it means to be a slave to tobacco».
Toyota Prius

"Well, at least he drives a Prius».
Magazine Deutsch decided that nothing more than draw the attention of the public, as the subject of sex with a dog. Warning as harsh criticism, it has been provided.
CPD Prevention and Citizenship
"AIDS kills. Safe ».
Men's underwear JBS
"Men do not like to look at naked men».
Self-promotion agency of the Italian Der Doctor Guerrilla
"I Need an idea?»
International League against Racism and antisemitizma

"Skin color should not determine the future of a child!»
Chilean Association Against Cancer
"Smoking is not just suicide. This murder ».
Baths and saunas Luxor
"Extremely relaxing»
Footwear Bianco
"How to double its collection of shoes Bianco».
Society for the Protection pozhilyh

"More than 50% of all suicides are committed by older people».
Protection Fund homeless
"The longer you live on the street, the more difficult it free of it».
International Society for Human Rights

"Stop the oppression of women in the Islamic world».
"Fashion narkosha».
Job Search Site monster.com
"Not the work».
Ice Antonio Federici

"Ice cream - our religion».
Antibacterial soap Just liquid

"If you are not completely clean - you are contagious».
Fund anti-alcohol Alac

"Last night it really cost?»
"Do not buy souvenirs made from the skin of exotic animals».
Anti-AIDS Foundation
"Do not lose your head».
Council pedestrians Avstralii

"To kill a child. To kill the entire family ».
Sunglasses Glassing
"Kiss my glasses." The idea plays well-known expression «Kiss my ass».
"People in Defense of Animals»
"Do not treat others as you do not want to treat you».
Zurich outlet
"New in the Swiss countryside».
Government of the District of Santa Catarina
"Do not swallow the smoke from other people».
Organization to combat child abuse
"Some things are forever».
See also: 33 too sexy prints
Scandals involving advertising
via www.adme.ru/kreativnyj-obzor/skandaly-vokrug-reklamy-315205/