The most creative advertising posters
As a promotional poster can attract the viewer's attention? It turned out that the best way to do this bypassing of consciousness. 25 images taken in the framework of various advertising campaigns - the best proof of Advertising Volkswagen Touareg
Summer Olympic Games in Beijing 2008. Rhythmic gymnastics
Frog in korobchonke: advertising courier service DHL, Taiwan
With the Sona pillow dream come true all your dreams
Advertising one of the largest media conglomerates AT & T: "We work in more than 200 countries, including India"
Without Anlene your bones can become brittle as glass
Advertising against smoking
Advertising PSP: "Heroism in small doses" http://mixstuff.ru/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/905615.jpg
Advertise dog food
Thai anti-smoking ad campaign 2009: "Do you realize how many actually spend on cigarettes?"
Creative headphones Samsung
Social advertising from the World Wildlife Fund
Advertising on a bus: a latecomer passenger
Mercedes-Benz: "The best or nothing"
Envy crackers
Advertising deodorant «BodyIce»
If you really want to touch someone, send a letter
Mobile operator T-Mobile touts service Video Chat
Antidepressant Prozac
Fitness Centre Aquatop Aquatic: "Take care of your heart, it still is useful"
Advertising strengthening toothpaste
Life is too short to spend it on uninteresting work
Advertising on the World Wildlife Fund
Promotional poster KitKat
Source: malsagoff.livejournal.com

Summer Olympic Games in Beijing 2008. Rhythmic gymnastics

Frog in korobchonke: advertising courier service DHL, Taiwan

With the Sona pillow dream come true all your dreams

Advertising one of the largest media conglomerates AT & T: "We work in more than 200 countries, including India"

Without Anlene your bones can become brittle as glass

Advertising against smoking

Advertising PSP: "Heroism in small doses" http://mixstuff.ru/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/905615.jpg

Advertise dog food

Thai anti-smoking ad campaign 2009: "Do you realize how many actually spend on cigarettes?"

Creative headphones Samsung

Social advertising from the World Wildlife Fund


Advertising on a bus: a latecomer passenger

Mercedes-Benz: "The best or nothing"

Envy crackers

Advertising deodorant «BodyIce»

If you really want to touch someone, send a letter

Mobile operator T-Mobile touts service Video Chat

Antidepressant Prozac

Fitness Centre Aquatop Aquatic: "Take care of your heart, it still is useful"

Advertising strengthening toothpaste

Life is too short to spend it on uninteresting work

Advertising on the World Wildlife Fund

Promotional poster KitKat

Source: malsagoff.livejournal.com