Most stupid ads (25 photos)
According to the materials www.adme.ru
When there is no sense
For example, in February this year in Moscow was posted ads Sochi football club "Pearl-Sochi" with a picture of David Beckham (David Backham) and the slogan "We have given up on him." Completely unclear what results from this advertising campaign waited Russian football club from the city of Sochi. Muscovites and residents of other cities, discussing the senselessness of such a PR on the Internet, did not understand the plan and purpose of all these billboards.
Railways campaigned against vandalism against new high-speed trains "Peregrine Falcon", which follow on the route Moscow - Vladimir - Nizhny Novgorod. Trying to convince the disgruntled residents not to spoil the w / d property and not to interfere with the new mode of transport, the advertiser has placed models with the slogan "throw stones at the train - hit the man!".
Instead, in order to improve the infrastructure of different modes of transport messages, money spent on pointless social campaigns that cause population completely reverse the planned effect. The whole story with cartoon series about Sapsanchik - unhappy cute train, which all unfairly hurt - is an example of a completely meaningless to the image point of view of the campaign, as the embodiment of which is only ridicule.
Fish-trading company "Kamchia" placed a billboard with the mysterious phrase "girl's best friend - it's a fish."
This call is more like a "voice crying in the wilderness", rather than the beer brand advertising message.
When not seen
These posters Federal Fisheries Agency placed on billboards along the highways. Tasty sardines with onion on rye bread were immediately attract attention and create the desire to never miss a billboard, trying to understand what it is advertised. But this was very easy because of too small font and high speed motion. All that manages to catch a keen eye - is that "Fish is waiting!", And where, when and who had remained for many residents mystery.
This is perhaps one of the prettiest in terms of image examples of indiscriminate Russian outdoor advertising. Passion advertisers for placement on the boards of price lists is well known.
Throughout the day, stall slaughterhouse RV parks in this place, completely blocking the two advertising poster. Time and money, "drip", and no one sees advertisements.
Social advertising
A striking example of meaningless social advertising: a phone number that you want to call in the event of a collision with corruption advertisers apparently decided not to specify.
Here in this form appeared before Kazan bribe officials.
Here is a beautiful in its categorical social advertising was found in Biysk. Brains, flushed down the toilet, and terribly useful, but nobody available information by typing small yellow bukovkami, accompanied by the statement "prick? Loch! »
It is hard to think of anything more senseless than encourage women to have children out of a sense of patriotism, for the sake of Records for his country.
Social advertising Emergencies Ministry urges people not to play with fire in chess.
Senseless and ruthless advertising traffic police.
In March 2010, in Moscow Ring Road were advertising posters with quotes from the Bible. Advertising constructions belong to the agency "Anko", which refused to name the customer, however, clarified that it was not "the Russian Orthodox Church».
I am the Lord thy God, and should not be you have other gods besides me.
Unfortunate placement
The front and back cover of the September 2008 issue of the American journal Nature is an excellent example of an unsuccessful advertising. Although no such mysterious coincidence company Sigma navryadli be secured similar attention.
When there is no sense
For example, in February this year in Moscow was posted ads Sochi football club "Pearl-Sochi" with a picture of David Beckham (David Backham) and the slogan "We have given up on him." Completely unclear what results from this advertising campaign waited Russian football club from the city of Sochi. Muscovites and residents of other cities, discussing the senselessness of such a PR on the Internet, did not understand the plan and purpose of all these billboards.

Railways campaigned against vandalism against new high-speed trains "Peregrine Falcon", which follow on the route Moscow - Vladimir - Nizhny Novgorod. Trying to convince the disgruntled residents not to spoil the w / d property and not to interfere with the new mode of transport, the advertiser has placed models with the slogan "throw stones at the train - hit the man!".

Instead, in order to improve the infrastructure of different modes of transport messages, money spent on pointless social campaigns that cause population completely reverse the planned effect. The whole story with cartoon series about Sapsanchik - unhappy cute train, which all unfairly hurt - is an example of a completely meaningless to the image point of view of the campaign, as the embodiment of which is only ridicule.
Fish-trading company "Kamchia" placed a billboard with the mysterious phrase "girl's best friend - it's a fish."

This call is more like a "voice crying in the wilderness", rather than the beer brand advertising message.

When not seen
These posters Federal Fisheries Agency placed on billboards along the highways. Tasty sardines with onion on rye bread were immediately attract attention and create the desire to never miss a billboard, trying to understand what it is advertised. But this was very easy because of too small font and high speed motion. All that manages to catch a keen eye - is that "Fish is waiting!", And where, when and who had remained for many residents mystery.

This is perhaps one of the prettiest in terms of image examples of indiscriminate Russian outdoor advertising. Passion advertisers for placement on the boards of price lists is well known.
Throughout the day, stall slaughterhouse RV parks in this place, completely blocking the two advertising poster. Time and money, "drip", and no one sees advertisements.

Social advertising
A striking example of meaningless social advertising: a phone number that you want to call in the event of a collision with corruption advertisers apparently decided not to specify.

Here in this form appeared before Kazan bribe officials.

Here is a beautiful in its categorical social advertising was found in Biysk. Brains, flushed down the toilet, and terribly useful, but nobody available information by typing small yellow bukovkami, accompanied by the statement "prick? Loch! »

It is hard to think of anything more senseless than encourage women to have children out of a sense of patriotism, for the sake of Records for his country.

Social advertising Emergencies Ministry urges people not to play with fire in chess.

Senseless and ruthless advertising traffic police.

In March 2010, in Moscow Ring Road were advertising posters with quotes from the Bible. Advertising constructions belong to the agency "Anko", which refused to name the customer, however, clarified that it was not "the Russian Orthodox Church».

I am the Lord thy God, and should not be you have other gods besides me.

Unfortunate placement

The front and back cover of the September 2008 issue of the American journal Nature is an excellent example of an unsuccessful advertising. Although no such mysterious coincidence company Sigma navryadli be secured similar attention.