Yak-141 - the plane with vertical takeoff (9 photos + video)
By readers tell an interesting Soviet equipment.
Yak-141 (NATO: Freestyle - Eng. Freestyle) - the world's second multipurpose supersonic VTOL. For a long time was the only aircraft in the world with similar characteristics (in the US is being designed supersonic F-35 aircraft with short takeoff and vertical landing). It was designed to intercept aerial targets and maintain neighbor for maneuvering combat, as well as to attack ground and sea targets. The fighter can be operated with the takeoff and landing sites of limited size and ship conditions. Rise vertical or short takeoff, vertical landing or short mileage.
were built 4 machine instance, received the name "Yak-141", two of them climbed into the air, and the other two had life on static test stands measure forces and moments own firm. The first test hover held in December '89, and short takeoff and landing were tested in July next year.
Fighter taking off vertically - not news in the aviation world: for decades operated British VTOL Harrier. We have since the late '60s were in service with various modifications Yakovlev as the 38th car. Maneuverability VTOL largely decided the outcome of the battles of the British Navy for the Falklands with no means the weakest opponent. For the opportunity to carry on board a ship full fighter "vertikalka" forgive and increased fuel consumption, and a relatively small capacity, and subsonic flight speed. However, to apply the carrier aviation in battles with modern planes "normal" scheme, no one seriously going: fighter who is unable flight at supersonic speeds, in a dogfight is doomed to failure. However, all attempts to create a supersonic SW / KVP ship or vneaerodromnogo home so far been unsuccessful. A modernized version of the Yak-38 is very close to the speed of sound, but never passed it. Weight problems that arise when interfacing such diverse requirements of the aircraft, and the lack of developments to resolve them repeatedly blocked the possibility of designers.
"One hundred and forty-first" even on the ground seemed part of the modernist decoration to any film about the future. After takeoff, a fantastic impression of what is happening only intensified, so unexpectedly easy flight of almost dvadtsatitonnoy machine. Far beyond the boundaries of the nozzle section of the tail boom with two keels and stabilizers provide great moments of control at low speeds, can facilitate the stabilization of yaw and effectively manage the flight. The ability to run the lift motor and change the main engine thrust vector in the air allows the Yak-141 easily move in almost any direction, making unthinkable for supersonic aircraft pirouettes.
By an irony of our economy last flight of the Yak-141 took place at his first show abroad to "Farnborough-92", when the entire aviation world was literally shocked extraordinary capabilities of the machine. At the same time, no one knew that the whole celestial acrobatics took place ... on the money sponsors. State to temporarily stop the financial support of the program. And at the next air show in Zhukovsky brought from England machine quietly stood on line static display. More it did not fly, and nowhere is no longer exhibited.
Yak-141 (NATO: Freestyle - Eng. Freestyle) - the world's second multipurpose supersonic VTOL. For a long time was the only aircraft in the world with similar characteristics (in the US is being designed supersonic F-35 aircraft with short takeoff and vertical landing). It was designed to intercept aerial targets and maintain neighbor for maneuvering combat, as well as to attack ground and sea targets. The fighter can be operated with the takeoff and landing sites of limited size and ship conditions. Rise vertical or short takeoff, vertical landing or short mileage.

were built 4 machine instance, received the name "Yak-141", two of them climbed into the air, and the other two had life on static test stands measure forces and moments own firm. The first test hover held in December '89, and short takeoff and landing were tested in July next year.

Fighter taking off vertically - not news in the aviation world: for decades operated British VTOL Harrier. We have since the late '60s were in service with various modifications Yakovlev as the 38th car. Maneuverability VTOL largely decided the outcome of the battles of the British Navy for the Falklands with no means the weakest opponent. For the opportunity to carry on board a ship full fighter "vertikalka" forgive and increased fuel consumption, and a relatively small capacity, and subsonic flight speed. However, to apply the carrier aviation in battles with modern planes "normal" scheme, no one seriously going: fighter who is unable flight at supersonic speeds, in a dogfight is doomed to failure. However, all attempts to create a supersonic SW / KVP ship or vneaerodromnogo home so far been unsuccessful. A modernized version of the Yak-38 is very close to the speed of sound, but never passed it. Weight problems that arise when interfacing such diverse requirements of the aircraft, and the lack of developments to resolve them repeatedly blocked the possibility of designers.

"One hundred and forty-first" even on the ground seemed part of the modernist decoration to any film about the future. After takeoff, a fantastic impression of what is happening only intensified, so unexpectedly easy flight of almost dvadtsatitonnoy machine. Far beyond the boundaries of the nozzle section of the tail boom with two keels and stabilizers provide great moments of control at low speeds, can facilitate the stabilization of yaw and effectively manage the flight. The ability to run the lift motor and change the main engine thrust vector in the air allows the Yak-141 easily move in almost any direction, making unthinkable for supersonic aircraft pirouettes.

By an irony of our economy last flight of the Yak-141 took place at his first show abroad to "Farnborough-92", when the entire aviation world was literally shocked extraordinary capabilities of the machine. At the same time, no one knew that the whole celestial acrobatics took place ... on the money sponsors. State to temporarily stop the financial support of the program. And at the next air show in Zhukovsky brought from England machine quietly stood on line static display. More it did not fly, and nowhere is no longer exhibited.